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Humidity Level


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
For those of you who "winter" their cars in garages, what is the proper humidity level to keep in the garage? I have a heated garage (gas heat), and on the far end my wife will pull in and out, bringing in snow or rain, and causing windows to fog/sweat in the garage. I have a dehumidifier out there, but dont know the proper setting? 50%? Thanks, Casey


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
case12 said:
For those of you who "winter" their cars in garages, what is the proper humidity level to keep in the garage? I have a heated garage (gas heat), and on the far end my wife will pull in and out, bringing in snow or rain, and causing windows to fog/sweat in the garage. I have a dehumidifier out there, but dont know the proper setting? 50%? Thanks, Casey

I keep the temperature level at 62 deg and just bought a dehumidifier (good for low temp) that keeps humidity level at 35%, I set it at 35 and get 35-40%. A regular dehumidifier won't be able to reach lower than 55-60% at my temp setting.

Considering the dry area the car's been all its life, I want to ensure it does not get exposed to too much humidity level.
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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Thanks guys. I keep my garage about 60 degrees F, and my dehumidifier can go down to 35%. I will set it a bit higher to maybe 45%. I know there is some science between temperature and humidity for humans, but didn't know if this applied to cars.

We just had 11 inches of snow in one day here, so the cars are now snuggled into the garage for the winter. Casey