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I need your 1968 428CJ for a Mustang Times Article


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Hello Gang,

I have been cleared to write a 40th anniversary article on the 428CJ for Mustang Times. The article will start with a short overview of the 428CJ engine and specs (not history - that is in another sister article), and then I am doing 4-5 special interest stories and pictures of original 428CJ 1968 Mustangs. If you have an original 428CJ 1968 mustang, here is your chance to have your car in Mustang Times this year. (No promises, but I have been approved to do the article as a follow-up to a sister article they are doing in April).

I also want to showcase the GTCS and HCS (one of my motives based on another thread about how to get your car in a national magazine). So, if you want to have me edit and include a short story on your 428CJ please email me and send your pictures - good ones, like used on the calendar.

Here are the ones I know of that I would like to have:

Bob T. - 428 HCS
John M. - 428 GTCS original owner
Scott - 428 HCS
Jason - 428 Fastback

If I missed anyone let me know. I could use another fastback, shelby or coupe if you know someone and can get a short story (3-4 paragaphs) about how they got the car, why they love it, what is special to them about it, is it concourse, what has it won, is it in restoration, etc, etc. Keep in mind that I will be editing the story so they all have the same flow. It will be a great article.

HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET YOUR CAR IN A NATIONAL MAGAZINE SPREAD. Your car, your name, etc will be a part of the article.

Please email me with your interest. If I don't get at least 4 cars, I can't justify doing the article. Hopefully I will at least hear from those in the above list. Go ahead and write me your short story and send it along with pictures to my email. casey.hill@motorola.com

The idea is to give exposure to several cars and owners in a special 40th anniversary article. Hopefully this will continue to put our great GTCS and HCS's in bright lights.

The tentative title is "40 Years of Rolling Thunder - 428 Cobra Jet 1968 Mustangs"

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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Alright! Within minutes I already got a taker with a Brittney Blue fastback. That is one down and 3-5 to go. Casey


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2003

A friend of mine owns a 1968.5 428 CJ convertible. Another friend of mine restored it recently (finished late last year). It's the only CJ convertible in 68 painted Gulfstream Aqua (they only made 34-CJ converts). Don't know if you need a convertible for your article or not, but I could see what I could do. No one even knows this car exists. It has been out of circulation for probably 30-years.



Well-known member
Mar 16, 2003
Couple of pictures.


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