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J code C/S on Ebay


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
Is anyone familiar with and/or seen the C/S J code on Ebay? I might be interested, but it's a LONG leap of faith from NC to CA to bid on a car, sight unseen.
Neil Hoppe


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
If that's the one it's a nice looking car.

But they said they don't have a Marti Report.

That's the first thing you need to get to verify it's truly a CS.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
This car looks very authentic and has alot of options from what I can tell. AC, disc brakes, clock, speaker grills (part of deluxe interior)? Maybe tilt steering?Being a J code 302 4V makes it desirable. He says its all original. $34,000 seems a little much but, it looks like a great car, even though there are no underneath pics.
It seems to have all the bells and whistles. It looks like the taillight bezels have black on them. They may have been replaced. Or maybe I`m seeing things.
According to the data plate info from the listing...
65B Hardtop luxury interior
O Seafoam green
6A Black Vinyl bucket seats
71 Los Angeles DSO
D April
5? 3.00:1 axle ratio?
W C4 Automatic transmission

A nice car.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Before offering anything in the way of money I'd definitely get a Marti report as was mentioned earlier. It's got a lot of options and I noticed they mention nothing about it being a true GT Optioned car which would up the price a little. But, again it depends on what your willing to pay. It definitely needs a good cleaning and some serious detailing. You can have a marti report fax'd to you in a matter of hours. I don't know about you but, I'd want to see the car before I laid down that kind of cash. I did that with my car when I bought it out in Seattle. I wired a deposit for them to hold the car and obtained a Marti Report via fax and then flew out to Seattle with the understanding if not happy with the car they would refund my deposit which they agreed to. Needless to say, I bought the car.



Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
Nice looking car.

Anyone notice that the headrests are mounted backwards?:wink:

A Marti report is relatively cheap, I would not sell a classic Specialty Ford L/M on eBay without one. Kind of like buying a pedigree dog without papers.

What does the basic report cost these days? $20?