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glad to see $40K for it,more hopes for my "J" for sale!
I was also happy to see that "J" code go for $40K as it resembled mine.I have new paint and new comfortweave seats and asking less than half of that one.Now I definately don't feel mine is overpriced @$19K.I do think the 40K is reaching a bit but God bless the party who did get that much.I'm glad for them...
By the way...were the seats in that car in correct 68 Mustang vinyl?...
I think the cs that sold for $50k last year was a 289,I didnt see the seats in the J code.I also have a J code,turned down $40k last year. They didnt explain the car very well,sold in a couple of mins.Good price for what i could see. Nates68
I think the cs that sold for $50k last year was a 289,I didnt see the seats in the J code.I also have a J code,turned down $40k last year. They didnt explain the car very well,sold in a couple of mins.Good price for what i could see. Nates68
Yeah is was the same car. It was a pretty big loss.
Someone also noticed there were no stripes on the trunk or emblem I think at the auction. It's in the pics from the old auction and the current pics on the BJ site. Edit - I looked back at the video and there is a Mustang logo but no stripes.
Not sure if there was some rear-end damage or if the owner replaced the rear deck lid but never go around to the stripes.
Check out the other thread where we've been discussing the BJ cars.
Thanks Rich, I thought that car had alot of changes. Not that it matters to me. I modified mine couple yrs ago. Looks like the cx-1 . I think our cars are
worth more stock or modified anyway. Nates68