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. July 2010 Seattle MCA Show, Northwest Get Together Part Two

GT/CS S Code

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2007
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Sorry we didn't make it ...

Well, this year was another bust for Laurie and I and we just couldn't get away on those dates with too many other commitements on our plate. (That and the fact that our car is still apart and up on jack stands!) Maybe if Laurie and I can finally get retired next year maybe we'll have enough time to make more of these GT/CS and Mustang events?
Looks like everyone had a wonderful time, but we'll really have to try and make it down for one of these BBQ / get-together events just to ensure that there is at least ONE red GT/CS in the parking lot!
Our car is STILL not quite back together yet, but hopefully some time this week it'll hit the road again so that I can drive it a bit and shake out any remaining "bugs". The good news is that in this current round of repair and restoration the Lucas fog lights are finally back on the car! The current plan is to leave on Thursday, August 5th to drive it up to Kamloops for their "Hot Nites in Kamloops" show and shine event. (I'll take lots of pictures and post a thread about it after we get back home.)
Best to all, and it's nice to finally put a face to some of the folks that post on the website!


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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
A lot of Rum and a lot of Red Wine but I seem to remember something about Renee being our " honorary Canadian" and honorary member of our club, I believe Cindy is even going to send her our news letter. Great gal and she just worked her way into all of our hearts. Great event, nice people, and awesome cars. BoB

Bob, Thank you for the wonderful compliment! I am very proud to be an "honorary Canadian" and an honorary member of your club!! Can't wait to get a copy of the newsletter with the write-up about the Seattle show. I do hope to make it up there to see a bit of Canada someday. It's on my "bucket list" :grin:

Rob, I am so glad to read that Maxi is up and around and eating again. Hope she stays that way for a while longer. How old did you say she was?? 15 or so? That is getting up there! Keep us up to date on her health. Again,, it was a great day and I still have the taste of that amazing briskett in my mouth!! That was YUMMY!!!!