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Just Found: 428CJ GT/CS!



Yesterday a VERY interesting registration came into the GT/CS Registry.
...It was a 428 Cobra jet GT/CS!

- Original Owner

- 158,000 VIN no. series

- ordered late March, delivered in May, sold Jan '69.

- 3.91 Traction Lock (X), C-6 Auto

- hood scoop, black hood stripe, standard hood

- first 428CJ Mustang built at the San Jose plant.

I will be featuring this GT/CS in the new book!

(this car is not presently for sale)

More later,

Paul N.


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2004
San Fernando Valley, California
That is awesome news....original owner eh? that guy wouldnt dare sell his car...of course it could be worth $100k...numbers any bigger than that and its hard to resist.....thanks for the update mr PNEWITT


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
Not to try and spoil the excitement but I have posted info on this car a few months ago.

here is the Marti report I posted. This car has been known in the 428 Cobra Jet website for awhile.


link to thread about the 428 CS.

another thread:
Last edited:


Although this CJ has been "seen", I was unaware of the other sources. With everything else going on, I hadn't been able to chaek this in detail. I appreciate the outside info!

Either this third CJ-CS is in Colorado, "rusting" somewhere, or it's on the road, or somewhere else. I DO feel that it's not a California DSO, because by that time, the other states (Washington, BC Canada, Utah, Ariz, OK, etc..) ptobably got all three. So...there might be such a thing as "NO" truly California'd DSO 428 CJ GT/CS.

Where did I miss this? How do we know there are three? Was this in a Marti Report? How many HCS--428s? In the mind of Ford (and Marti Autoworks) the HCS and GT/CS 428CJ numbers are all combined. Would that Make Bob's 428 the third car?

Another "detective" source is to check out the '68 Cougar 428CJ production at San Jose, since they may have been on the same line--or same day of production. This might be a great outside source. I need to contact the 428CJ Registry, too. I want to highlight all three (four w/HCS) cars in my book.

If I see or hear anything, I'll get back to you.
Thanks for all your help!!

Paul N.


Boy, is that embarrassing or what? DUH! ...("Exit, stage right")

See what happens when I'm doing three projects all at once--and working on CS History for the book???

OK--I'm up to speed now. Are these stats that I can use in the book--that is, are they "OK" with Kevin Marti? It's interesting how, in some cases they are similar to my estimates in 1989.

My next question, is how do the HCS numbers come out? 251, minus 9 CJ cars, = 242. How could we figure that out? I think that by percentage, the HCS set has more big blocks.

Thanks, Jason for your help.
Paul N.