Yesterday a VERY interesting registration came into the GT/CS Registry.
...It was a 428 Cobra jet GT/CS!
- Original Owner
- 158,000 VIN no. series
- ordered late March, delivered in May, sold Jan '69.
- 3.91 Traction Lock (X), C-6 Auto
- hood scoop, black hood stripe, standard hood
- first 428CJ Mustang built at the San Jose plant.
I will be featuring this GT/CS in the new book!
(this car is not presently for sale)
More later,
Paul N.
...It was a 428 Cobra jet GT/CS!
- Original Owner
- 158,000 VIN no. series
- ordered late March, delivered in May, sold Jan '69.
- 3.91 Traction Lock (X), C-6 Auto
- hood scoop, black hood stripe, standard hood
- first 428CJ Mustang built at the San Jose plant.
I will be featuring this GT/CS in the new book!
(this car is not presently for sale)
More later,
Paul N.