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Midwest CS owners--are you OK?



I've been watching the news about the awful, 200 yr. flood weather from Iowa to Wisconsin. With more rain coming.

How are you doing? Flooding? Tornadoes? Keep us posted.

Take Care, we're thinkin' of you....

Paul N.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Thanks, Paul. Here in Central Illinois we are mostly OK. Some areas near rivers are flooded, much damage to their homes and property. The corn crops are either stunted, drowned and need to be replanted, or not even planted at all. In 60 some years I have never seen crops so late or not planted by this time. Corn should be 18 inches tall by now, and what little corn is still alive is only about 6 inches tall. My only problem is that the grass in the yard must be mowed and bagged every two, or at most every three days unless you want to have a real mess. I fertilize and the grass is growing like no one has ever seen. Those in low lying areas need your prayers, and at this time most of the rivers have not crested, so there is higher water yet to come. Thanks for thinking of us.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
We have had a lot of rain here in KC, some damaging storms, but nothing like others in the midwest. Rivers are full. Not many crops are planted here in MO either. Soon, we will dry out, not see rain for weeks and will be 110 in the shade.



Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
Have had a lot of wind, and rain, but not like some. My husband is working in the Omaha area, and a lot of rain there as well as wind. The water around his camper, just doen't seem to go down. Wendsday night the siron went off, but stayed in his camper and said wished to vacated it, but this was the first for him. I know I passed somewhere else about the Boy Sout camp at Blenco, and the tragity there, 4 boys lost there lives and 34+ were hurt. I will try to post the story here.
We need to here from Rhonda to..


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
I`m here, I`m here, sorry my computer majorly crashed and I have been offline for a few weeks. We got ALOT of rain, many crops are ruined but there are other areas that were harder hit. A huge ash tree in our front yard split down the middle and there were some scary moments when the wind was gusting, wondering when it would fall on the front of the house. My husband put a chain around the two pieces till the city could cut it down.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
I was talking about all the water there had/have in the Omaha area. My husband was staying a a campgrounds at I 29 & 34 at the Gleenwood ext. Here are pictures that a fellow worker on my husbands crew took. #1 pic you will find our camper, it is the first one.


  • campgrounds @ I 29 & 34 001-1.JPG
    campgrounds @ I 29 & 34 001-1.JPG
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  • campgrounds @ I 29 & 34 002-2.JPG
    campgrounds @ I 29 & 34 002-2.JPG
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  • campgrounds @ I 29 & 34 003-3.JPG
    campgrounds @ I 29 & 34 003-3.JPG
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