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Mint Condition?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005


  • Mint.jpg
    90.2 KB · Views: 60
  • Mint Coupe.pdf
    204.2 KB · Views: 74


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
Survivor with patina or restoration candidate, would be bettor descriptors.
Mint, the plant comes to mind. Kind of fuzzy, with an odor.
Might be a decent starting point for someone looking to do a coupe restoration or for a driver.

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
I once went to look at a 1970 Toyota Land Cruiser in North Lake Tahoe that was described as "Cherry". Was a long trip there and this was back before cell phones so all I had was my regular old camera and pay phone booths. One hour photo was a big deal then too! So my late husband got this tip from a friend and off I go. I happened to hitch a ride with friends in a terrible little Ford motor home that was outfitted for dog crates and they were headed to Reno for a dog show. My friend's husband was a Ford guy and worked at the Ford Proving Grounds in AZ.
This TLC was the biggest piece of rust I had ever seen. I can't even describe it to you. Couldn't even get it out of 4WD low. My husband had already paid the full $3k that the guys kid was asking. I spent forever trying to get him on the pay phone to tell him to GET HIS MONEY BACK. As soon as I got back I went to the one hour photo and we took the pictures to the guy who was absolutely mortified that his son called this TLC cherry.He demanded that his son get the money to us NOW. Kid says he already spent it. OMG. Dad took care of it and I bet his son never pulls that again.
I don't know how people come up with the idea of cherry or mint. Their taste buds must be off.