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1968 New diecast - Red GT/CS and Gold HCS



Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Well it looks like this deal won't be worth doing. With shipping to me and then individual shipping to all of you the price goes to at least $42 each. For that price you can get them directly from the dealer that njmop mentioned earlier in this thread. I'm sure he orders in much greater quantity so his pricing is better.

I was just thinking we could save a little money with a group purchase, but it doesn't look that way.


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Man is that ugly,and pricely for a reject. I would have to get the model paint out. Marty


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2005
Belmar, NJ
GT/CS 1:18 are in...


Just wanted to let you know that my friend at rdtw.com has the GT/CS and HCS 1:18 in stock now if any members are interested. Again, join his site and the price goes from $54 to $41 which is pretty good.

I'm getting the HCS cause I like the GOLD!


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
Kodiak, Alaska

Just wanted to let you know that my friend at rdtw.com has the GT/CS and HCS 1:18 in stock now if any members are interested. Again, join his site and the price goes from $54 to $41 which is pretty good.

I'm getting the HCS cause I like the GOLD!

I created a new account and when I went to checkout, the price was still $55. Is there a code or something I need to enter?


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2005
Belmar, NJ
You need to sign in first once you get your email confirmation of signing up. I double checked the website and clicked the "preferred buyers program" link on the left side.

"We have a program called the Preferred Buyers Program. What this program does is, it gives you 25% off the entire web site. Now, there is no obligation to buy anything. Furthermore, there is no limit on buying anything. You can buy one item or as many as you want. Shipping will adjust as you build your order. It's a life time membership and it's totally FREE. In addition to that, we have e-mail notifications that you can sign up for. We do not sell, trade or giveaway any email addresses. If you sign up for our email notifications, you will receive a one on one email from us. What’s more, when we have a Sale on our site, you too can get the Sale Price on top of the Preferred Buyers Program Price. All you have to do to get into this program is register on our site. Once you register, we will activate your account within 24 hours. In addition to that, we will send you an email letting you know your account has been activated. Once you receive this email, you can sign in and start using the Preferred Buyers Program Pricing. The most important thing to remember is to sign in each time you go to the site so you can get the Preferred Buyers Program Pricing. This is what will happen when you sign in. The entire web site will automatically change all the prices to reflect the 25% off for the Preferred Buyers Program. If you don’t sign in first, you won’t get the Preferred Buyers Program Pricing!"

$55 goes to $41. Let me know if there is anything else.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
There seem to be 2 different gold HCS models (other than the green wheel thing). The only difference between the two is that one has a black vinyl top and the other does not.

Here's a link to an eBay auction that offers both cars