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New York Times Classic Car Photo Contest



Worth a look:


The New York Times is sponsoring a photo contest of your classic car, to be submitted before Oct. 25th, 2007.

If you check out the webpage, know that they will want you to register with your e-mail and (your own creation of) a password.

The reward is $5,000, and you'll be interviewed and your car will be in the Times.

An interesting idea, and it would promote (and educate) readers all over the country about the 1968 GT/CS.

Check it out!

Paul N.


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
Sorry Mustangman-nl, I have had my GT/CS pics posted there since 8/7/07 along with the history of our GT/CS's. However it would be cool to have this site possibly flooded with our GT/CS's.

By the way, your car is excellent and the pic's are really neat. I would have given you a 10 but they only allow a 5.


Good Luck