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1968 Paint and body work


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2010
I went and got a estimate from a guy who restores cars. He told me to do my car right it would be between 10 and 12K. That's paint, body work and replace the right lower quarter in and out. Anybody ever get a estimate like this?


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2012
well of course it all depends on how rough the body is in and how much dents, and rust and alignment will be needed to get the car straight. If you are lucky and your car is solid in and out and needs minamal body work or alignment and doesnt need any sort of welding in of new sheet metal, and very impressive paint job can be had for 4-5 grand. 10-12 isnt far off if the car is in need of a lot of work. I happened to luck out with my cal, mainly because there is not a spec of rust or rot anywhere, and all the panels are dead nuts straight. I believe this is due to in part the car was never wrecked and/or altered in its life, and it is possible it was garaged for a main portion of its life. That in conjunction with a really good friend of mine that is going to paint it (he painted my 67 and did a top notch job wet sanding and buffing, its a mirror) he is only charging me supplies and a little labor, but only wants 2500 to do it so it really narrows down to who you know. My advice, shop around a get several quotes, dont just settle on the first quote you get. Good luck!


Well-known member
May 9, 2012
Simi Valley, Ca.
Sounds a bit high to me, I had my coupe done for $4700 which included patching several rust holes and a new bumper and fuel tank.
I'm happy with the quality of the work but this is where price varies. You get what you pay for.... if you put it in writing first.

Good luck


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
When I was getting estimates for my GT/CS last year, I had one guy say that my Mustang needed 10,000 hours of body work. (must have been metric time? ;-) )
The bill for my paint and body work was $6500. He did a beautiful job, my fiberglass pieces all line up, and fit perfectly. Which far exceeds what the factory assembled.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
Man, I gotta move back to the US... I can't buy materials for a good paint job for less than 2k here (granted that is Glasurit cutom color metalflake bc/cc). At $65/hr for rust/body no way to get anything decent for less than 10k here.... I'll be into my X-to-EXP car for at least 20k for body and paint...

That did include partial passenger floor, both cowl hats, and about 8-9 other 2" square-ish areas in wheel wells, drip rails and patching some PO holes in the firewall and rad support...

5 liters (about 5 quarts) of Type F ran me $55 the other day.