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Peace Officers Memorial Day.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
Today, and everyday, we should remember those that have fallen, serving as a barrier between us and those that would do us harm. :cry:


Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Thanks for that Steve. I just got back tonight from the Memorial activities in Washington, DC, I met up with Marion (CALIF GIRL) and Chris at the candle light vigil and the whole week was incredible. I've been to the memorial once before many years ago but I've never been there for National Police Memorial Week. My little brothers name is on the wall there....
More later, I'm pooped and have to get up early for work.
Thanks again for your thoughtfulness.



Well-known member
Oct 10, 2004
I have been in Washington Dc for Police Memorial week. It was a wonderful, although sad time. Looking at the wall of names of the Officers, Troopers, and Deputies who have made the utilmate sacrifice to protect others was an experience I can not describe.

I saw names of people I knew. I saw names of people I did not know. I saw names of people whose funerals I attended. I saw names of people I went to the academy with. I saw names of people who I worked with.

One of these people whose name is on the wall is Donna's brother. He was a Los Angeles Police Officer who was murdered while doing his job of protecting the citizens of Los Angeles. His sister misses him. His twin brother misses him. We should all miss him, because he is no longer here to protect.

I an honored to have been able to be at the Memorial's Candlelight Vigil with Donna. Not only did her brother make a sacrifice, his entire family did too.


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Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Whew. I'm still overwhelmed by the support that was received at all the events last week. It was very emotional and I was honored to have Marion, my friend, there. The speeches, the music, the Top Cop awards hosted by John Walsh and other actors from police themed shows, the honor guard competition, presenting a wreath in Arlington National Cemetery with 50 of LA's finest at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. There was a fabulous Bagpipe and Drum parade of many many bands and in between each band was a set of classic restored police cars.
The candle light vigil was hugely impressive...thousands of people in the night holding candles, glowing softly and you could have heard a pin drop. The laser light of the thin blue line piercing the sky.
The Police Unity Tour (250 mile bicycle run) grand finale was canceled for the first time in 20 years due to rain on Monday but I got to meet up with the rider I sponsored from LAPD...who I met at, what else...a car show called Cops 4 Tots at the academy last fall. This officer had worked with my brother and was there the day of his end of watch. Amazing.
The pride I saw for five days was outstanding. Yet everyone was so humble about it. It made me feel so blessed to be a free American in our grand country and protected by these heroes
and of course also our military brothers and sisters fighting for us. :flag:

God Bless all of you and especially our people in uniform. I'll never forget that week, thank you Marion for being there.


Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
I'd like to add that in the above photo that Marion took of the Memorial logo and laser light...the white haired elderly lady on the far right of the stage is the widow of Dallas Police Officer Tibbetts who was killed in 1964 when President John F. Kennedy was assasinated. This was the first time she had been to the memorial.

Powerful stuff.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
It must have been an awesome time there for everyone ... I know a few close friends in law enforcement, and I've been to a funeral of an old friend, with Sheriff Lee Baca there ... it was very moving ... God bless all of those in law enforcement, and especially to the families and loved ones who are there to support them ...