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Proud New Owner


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
I just took delivery of my C/S, VIN 8R01J147278. The previous owner did a very nice restoration. It came with documentation of the resto (photos, reciepts, descriptions). It's listed in the Registry (1996 Edition). It went through a color change to Springtime Yellow with a black interior. Lucas lights, but the grille has the mounting spots for the Marchal lights. It's a good solid, no rust machine with just enough items for me to work on to suit my personal choices. My question a few weeks ago re: grille and trim color paid off. This car has the wrong color (black grille, argent trim) which I will correct thanks to the info I saw on this site. I'll be in touch.
Neil Hoppe


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005

Congrats, and welcome to the family. As you have already found out, we are here to help where we can. I must warn you, you are now susceptible to a disease in which there is no cure. Kinda like "Hello, I am Mike, and I am a GT/CS owner". This disease creeps up on you and attacks with a vengance. Luckily, most spouses are a great support. It can start out with "T" codes, then you find that is not enough, so you start trying "C" codes, then you start hustling "J" codes. Before you know it, you are out on the Blvd. trying to score an "S" code, and if that happens, you may find yourself strung out, and pursuing the illusive "R" code. Be Careful and watch out for the Cheap Knock Offs some street pushers are trying to deal these days. If you need Peer Counceling, Call us, We are here to help. Mike


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Congratulations! What Mike says is true. I can totally attest to that. I have a "T" code "200 6 cyl." GT/CS, but it has a 289 4V in it currently, so that keeps me happy.

Please post pics and Marti report. We love to check out other members rides.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
Congrats, and welcome to the family. As you have already found out, we are here to help where we can. I must warn you, you are now susceptible to a disease in which there is no cure. Kinda like "Hello, I am Mike, and I am a GT/CS owner". This disease creeps up on you and attacks with a vengance. Luckily, most spouses are a great support. It can start out with "T" codes, then you find that is not enough, so you start trying "C" codes, then you start hustling "J" codes. Before you know it, you are out on the Blvd. trying to score an "S" code, and if that happens, you may find yourself strung out, and pursuing the illusive "R" code. Be Careful and watch out for the Cheap Knock Offs some street pushers are trying to deal these days. If you need Peer Counceling, Call us, We are here to help. Mike

Pay him heed. He knows that of which he speaks. :wink: