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Public Infatuation with Unknown Car


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
We attended a local show in our area today and yes, we took 1st place. I know it was based on the merits of our GT/CS but, thought I would share what the judges had to say to me at the end of the show.

"We had so many folks come to us and ask if we had seen the Royal Maroon Mustang on display with the GT/CS lettering and wondered what it was"

Now I know why there were so many Judges coming over to the car asking so many questions, how many were built, build plant, engine options etc. throughout the day. It was a great platform to promote the GT/CS and hopefully inform some folks about our cars. Today also helped educate me as to just how rare the GT/CS really is.

Don ;D


Yes, Royal Maroon (Dark Cherry to you Cougar folks) is a great color...

When it's dirty, it looks awful in the winter, but when it's waxed in the summer sun, it looks quite classy..

After all, it's a color they used on the '68 Lincolns, too.

(nope! no bias here)..... ::)


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Gettysburg, Pa.
I finally got my car out on Sat. It did nothing but rain Friday. They estinated about 2600 cars. boy what a show. Half of the spectators knew what I had and I was a little suprised about that.A lot of the BOSSs did show up because of the rain. Sat morning it was calling for showers but it held off. I saw three GTCS;S One was a raven black with a 390. He was from Long Island . I though that a black car would keep my red one company. but he wanted to much for it. Can you picture both side by side. I got three trophys Second place over all. Before the show started I was a little disapointed but now I'm waiting for next year. Last year you could park on the grounds but not this year. It was that much larger.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
[quote author=68gt390 link=board=1;threadid=1768;start=0#msg11284 date=1118029434]
We attended a local show in our area today and yes, we took 1st place. I know it was based on the merits of our GT/CS but, thought I would share what the judges had to say to me at the end of the show.

"We had so many folks come to us and ask if we had seen the Royal Maroon Mustang on display with the GT/CS lettering and wondered what it was"

Now I know why there were so many Judges coming over to the car asking so many questions, how many were built, build plant, engine options etc. throughout the day. It was a great platform to promote the GT/CS and hopefully inform some folks about our cars. Today also helped educate me as to just how rare the GT/CS really is.

Don ;D


I know what you are saying. We have had so many folks come up and say "nice car, but what is it"? Judges are no different than anyone else. On Memorial Day weekend (Sat) we took our Cal Spec to a small town show (farm town) north of Kansas City. It was their first show in a very small town. I expected there would be 50 cars, 20 of them never should have came in the first place.

However, we were really supprised to see 125 cars show up. It would have been difficult to peel off 10 cars and tell them they should not have brought their car to a car show. In other words, alot of really nice cars!!

I took a walk around and felt I was outclassed - or at least would have a difficult time in getting a top 25 trophy. We did end up getting one but it was remarkable how many folks flocked to our Cal Spec. Asking questions and looking at the car. Even a guy who brought a very nice 68 convert, restored, spend equal time with us looking at the Cal Spec.

Anyway, long story but I have found that while attending a car show, you had better be ready to stand up and tell the story the whole time you are there. Leave your chair at home, you won't use it. People are drawn to the car.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
I have bought one of those posters a guy on Ebay sells from 68 that tells about the CS. I bring this to all shows, people read it all the time. I have found this really helps with the questions.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Gettysburg, Pa.
While at the Carlisle my son suggested that we get a show board for the HCS. The history of the car and what came on it.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2004
New Orleans, LA
Hey guys,

I made this free standing display out of two black poster frames and some black chain from home depot. It doesn't blow over in the wind.



Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
A friend of ours let us borrow the GT/CS poster and it does really help. Many folks stop by and look at the poster. The real geeks need more so I bring out the registry books for them. I always keep my registry books and my photo album in the trunk when doing a show.



Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
I to carried both registery books in my car up until someone tried to lift them from my car last summer at a local show. :mad: I figure with the posters I have and my own knowledge that will have to be enough. Needless to say the books don't leave my house now.

Don ;)


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO

That is probably a good plan. Will have to thank about that one.

We always stay with the car. If I am gone, my 11 year old stands guard and runs people off if they get to close. He is more serious than I am. He put a lot of work into the car and feels like he owns it, doesn't want people to get to close and doesn't mind telling people to 'back off".

Anyway - good tip Don!!
