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Sandable Primer


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
After completing our body work, we sprayed the car with a sandable primer called "All You Will Ever Need". It is a spray on primer that builds up. Once dry, we applied a guide coat of black spray paint on the primer and started sanding. We sanded the complete car back to metal, then repeated the process another 2 times (3 times total). The primer will fill all small divots, holes, etc to make the body very straight.

After completing this process, a final layer of regular primer was applied to the car. The car set outside in 100 degree temp for 1 week before we moved the car to the paint booth. This allowed for any shrinkage before base was applied.



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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
Of all the positive comments I get about our car, this one is always brought up. Folks look at the car and say "that is the straightest car". After talking with several other body folks that were not involved in our car, they say that this step is what makes the car "pop". The reflection in the car is first rate.
