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. Shelby Bday Bash Vegas Jan 14th tickets- who wants them?


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
I have two tickets for free admittance to the first person who PMs me.

Shelby Birthday Bash in Las Vegas next month, Jan 14 & 15th. They are tickets for two persons to the event only, not including track time and parking, redeemable either Fri or Sat.

Location is Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Rumor has it this will be the last party Mr. Shelby will attend.

I picked them up at SEMA this year. I cannot attend and do not want these tickets to go to waste.

The event website for more info-


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2003
i found someone interested in the tickets.
i'm answering his questions.
i'll let you know


Well-known member
May 4, 2007
Ventura County, CA
Glad you were able to get them to someone who'll enjoy the Carroll Shelby birthday event. I wish I could've taken them from you but I cannot justify a trip to Lost Wages at this time. The closest I get to gambling is getting outta bed everyday. Plus that city never really has appealled to me much (and I grew up and still live in SoCal), guess I've always felt I could put the money I'd end up leaving there to better use like my CS! Even if I had money to burn it wouldn't be left in that city, it'd be better spent on things like getting another '68 Fastback like I had 22 yrs ago and maybe another CS or two, an HCS and/or a '68 GT500KR. Oh, and a garage big enough for all that and a workshop too!

I bet it is going to be a great event especially if it is indeed the last one Mr. Shelby w/b attending. I hope Doug or JBart's friend got them and report back to us w/how the bash was.

Thanks for offering these up to us Amy! Now, where'd I leave my pipe? I gots me some more dreams to stuff in it!


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2007
Canton, Ohio
I, too, will be interested in hearing tales of the Bash. I would love to be there, but could not fit the fuel and lodging into my budget at this time. They sound like great times!


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Valencia, California
Amy and Jbart - THANKS

I did in fact use them myself. I went with my son and took his 2007 Shelby GT. We left at 5:30 am from Valencia, Ca and arrived at Shelby headquarters at 9:45am. We wanted to arrive in sufficient time to take a tour that Shelby gives everyday at 10:30. The place was packed and everybody was going trough the gift shop like they were giving things away. Yes I bought something – a 1966 die cast model and T-shirt. The tour started at 10:30 and we went through the shop where the Cobra’s are built and – sweet-sweet and that’s all that needs to be said. We then went into the shop where they convert Mustang GT’S into Shelby’s – my son was trying to imagine he’s car being there 3 years ago. Please remember that Ford builds that Shelby 500 (not in Las Vegas) but at a Ford factory; this was pointed out many times. A special guest arrived and said high to the group – Yes it was Shelby himself. The crowd went wild and this left my son a little uneasy. He was there for the bash and to tape a commercial.

After the tour we went to the track and used your tickets – there were only about 4 older Mustangs and about 100 newer ones. The contrast of the two generations was amazing; the newer ones are more civilized and you can actually talk when they drove by. My son was on cloud 9 he could not believe that he actually has one on these cars. He was able to get a ride in a car that is closely matched to his – the only difference is that car has upgraded brakes. After his track time was over he was elated and wants to track his car – someday-someday.

The people were generally VERY open and friendly – I hate to say this but far nicer than many of the participants at SAAC. BTW I have been to many SAAC events and respect what they have done for the 1st generation Shelby’s but this group was far more open – especially to a young man.

We went back to the track and did the tour again on Saturday – tour was the same (no Shelby this time) and the track was again fantastic. We left the track and drove back to Valencia. The newer cars are so forgiving and fast.

In closing I drove my 68 today and felt real slow – but still love it and the 65-68 Mustangs the best.

However I am on the lookout for a 2006 Hertz, or 2007 Shelby GT – selling my Camary and going to drive that instead.

Below are some photos. Last photo is the 50th Anniversary of the Cobra - not even on the market yet. It will be at next BJ auction.


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Well-known member
May 4, 2007
Ventura County, CA
Sounds like a great time was had by all Doug, that is awesome you and your son attended AND that you got to drive there in his GT500, schweet! Thanks for the report, I imagined myself there as I read it and the pics helped too :wink:, nice job.



Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Valencia, California
Sounds like a great time was had by all Doug, that is awesome you and your son attended AND that you got to drive there in his GT500, schweet! Thanks for the report, I imagined myself there as I read it and the pics helped too :wink:, nice job.


Not Shelby GT500 (Larger engine and more goodies) - Shelby GT (smaller engine)

Shelby GT - these were Mustang GT's that were shipped to Shelby LV and made into Shelby's

GT 500 are built into Shelby's through an licensing agreement between Ford and Shelby America


Well-known member
May 4, 2007
Ventura County, CA
Not Shelby GT500 (Larger engine and more goodies) - Shelby GT (smaller engine)

Shelby GT - these were Mustang GT's that were shipped to Shelby LV and made into Shelby's

GT 500 are built into Shelby's through an licensing agreement between Ford and Shelby America

Gotcha, thanks for explaining that Doug. To be honest I wasn't even aware of the Shelby GT :embarass: so I really have to get up to speed on the newer Shelby Mustangs now. I know the '66-'68s well w/my fave being the '68 GT500KR, both models. So when I hear "Shelby GT" the first thing that always come to mind is the GT500. I gots me some Shelby schoolin' to get to now.
