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1968 Should I buy? Help request


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
Victoria BC Canada
$100,000. Gotta wonder who these 'friends' are. :wink:

Looking forward to seeing some pictures, and welcome once again. :grin:


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2002
Kaysville, UT
Jeff - welcome to the site! I am glad you made the decision to buy it. It will be something to hold on to over the years and getting one like that in it's original state is beyond anything I could imagine (not many Mustangs or Mustangers in UT compared to out of state). I am excited for you.

As stated, there is A LOT OF GREAT FOLKS here and tons of knowledge. I couldn't be putting mine back together without the likes of Dalorzo_F, MosesATM, FranklinAir, Ruppstang, CougarCJ, RobertCampbell and the many others who have provided direction and insight for a bum like myself! Hope to see you around here on the forum and looking forward to your photos!!!


Active member
Aug 12, 2013
I picked up the CS Thursday. Found out the Car was a Birthday present from the Original owner to his wife. She knew she was getting a Mustang, but did not know she was getting the CS. I am sure it was bittersweet for them. This was their only car, and neither can drive any more. They have a neighbor who drives them to the store, doctor, etc. Barney stayed in his room, he did not want to see the car drive away, which was kind of sad. I am happy to report the car drove surprisingly smooth on the Freeway. Barney had told me he had not driven it on a freeway or over 40 MPH in quite a while.
They lived in Newport Beach, right on Pacific Coast Highway. They have lived there since 1970. So although the car was always parked under a carport, it was exposed somewhat to the air. Fortunately, in Southern California the climate is not so drastic.
There is pitting, some oxidation, etc.
Anyways, I am excited about the car, I have registered in on the site, and added pictures in my garage, so if you are interested, take a look.
Thanks again to all who sincerely wanted to help. Jeff