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1968 Smog Tubes


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2004
In reference to the carb, what is pictured is the same as I have on my 302 4bbl, so I would say yes. My current carb is not the original, but it is the same as when I purchased it in 1968. I have used Holleys, but always kept and used the Autolite 4300 when needed.



Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
That is a nicely optioned GT/CS. I only recall seeing 2 other GT/CS's in the registry with the blacked out hood treatment or 2 digit exterior color code.

The dealer pretty much hit all of the options except for tilt steering column, air conditioning, space saver spare, and speed control.

Marti report says "Stock" which would have been just inventory. A designation of "Retail" would have been customer special ordered.

I could definitely see this car inside, on the show room floor.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
The below is from Marti's site.

Order Type Ford Motor Company builds vehicles for different purposes and different customers. In fact, there are over twenty different classifications of order types. Some of the more common are:

Retail – an individual comes to a dealership and orders an as yet unbuilt vehicle

Stock – a dealer orders a vehicle to have available for display at his/her location

Basic – Ford has excess capacity on an assembly line and produces vehicles to keep the plant busy

Fleet – a company that orders five or more vehicles yearly qualifies for price breaks on these vehicles

Special Purpose Vehicle – a vehicle built by Ford for what the name implies

Introductory Show Unit – a vehicle built to demonstrate a new model. Generally this vehicle is shipped to be on display at some large public gathering

A-Plan – vehicles built for current Ford employees and sold at a discounted price

Z-Plan – vehicles built for retired Ford employees and sold at a discounted price

Lease – vehicles leased by Ford to an individual or a company