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. Thank You Ron Moore


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
We arrived at the Reno show on Friday afternoon and placed the cars on the show field. Figuring we had until noon on Saturday to get the cars detailed to the nth degree, I told the girls if they wanted to go shopping, go for it. They left and Ron Moore and I went to get some lunch. While having lunch, National Asst. Head Judge Johnie Garner contacted me and asked if our Concours GT/CS was ready to be judged as he and Marty Rupp were trying to get a jump on judging some of the cars.

Well, the car was pretty much ready to judge, but I needed to do some final detailing on the car. I looked at Ron and he offered to help me do some last minute prep, so I said “Sure”. We scrambled to finish lunch and only had 20 minutes to prep the car before the judges arrived. I needed to swap out the Battery as the Autolite battery died just before we left for the show, and I mean Died, RIP. I needed four hands to install it without damaging anything, and Ron was there to help. We made it with nothing to spare and presented the car “As is, Where is”. Both judges went over the car with a fine tooth comb, and ignored the never ending dust that kept landing on the car that the wind and high desert kept throwing at it.

We won the Gold Award in the Concours Trailered Class this weekend, and if it had not been for Ron Moore, I truly feel I would not have made it before the judges arrived. Thank you Ron for all your help prepping the car, it truly made a difference. Sorry I missed visiting with you the rest of the weekend.
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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2013
Calgary Alberta
Sounds like a show to visit one day! Congrats on your Gold. I think its great that fellow collectors are quite often "there for you" in times of need.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003
Mike it was my pleasure to help. Since I don't currently own a CS it was a pleasure to help detail one of my favorite Cal Specials. I am happy that I could be there for you and it was even more fun watching you judge your first car, especially since I knew the owner of that all original 68 coupe. Congratulations to you and your beautiful and supportive wife on winning the Gold, you deserve it!




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Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Mike now I know the rest of the story. I wondered how you got it ready that fast. It looked great as usual. It also was fun getting to judge with you. You certainly were deserving of the MCA 67-68 certified judge position. I am looking forward to the next time we can team up. Marty


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
Congrats on the Gold :thumb: !!! ... and good friends like Ron are the best especially when help is needed ...