Haha, yes, Rich has been great during the whole purchase. We just got shipping setup today. BTW, Rich, I don't mind that it got pushed back at all. I was just getting the info. turned in. I made sure they called you and asked when it would work. 
Wow, I just looked at when this post first started October 2006.
Am I going to be able to give myself your book for Christmas this year?
Paul, please correct me if I'm mistaken but the flier also seems to state that those of us whose money you've been using for quite a while are going to end up paying $100 for our books, while those who did not order early will pay only $89. It seems to me that those of us who funded this project are being penalized. Maybe $89 should be the price for everyone.
Your thoughts?
A little bump for Paul in case he cares to answer either Bill's question or mine.
My Fellow and Lady Mustangers,
Sounds to me that it may be a desperate part on Paul's behalf, (no offense okay?") to get more orders in to get the book published. It's NOT CHEAP to self publish a book, I've done it myself years ago when I wrote a science fiction book and published it back in 96. To recover such investment is very slim when self publishing. The dead line has been bumped several times to try to get it done right and hopefully enough funding to get it published. The $89.00 price tag was a promo that Paul is doing to drum up more sales in his effort to get the book published. After all bare in mind that he's putting his CS up for sale to fund the books that we've been waiting for. Would you like to give up your "baby" to publish that book for everyone else? I'd suggest you all you folks think about it. I gave him more than $100.00 even though I could have just stuck with the $89.00 price that he offered. He's been burning the midnight oil in putting this book together. It's not an easy task. To be very frank with you all, I couldn't do it if I wanted to. Paul is not making a profit from any of this either. If we all get together and donate even $5.00, $10 or more to help out, it would be a big lift for him and for all of us who's been waiting for this book. When we do get, be thankful for the countless hours he's poured into it. No doubt it'll be a master piece.
This is from the SAAC site.
< BOOK UPDATE - 5/13/09>
I am progressing well on the book, and in fact, just found the Ford designer that did the '68 GT/CS. I will be interviewing him for the book.
I'm making strides on new information for Little Red and the Green Hornet prototypes. For example Little Red was painted a special red color--which is NOT Ferarri Red, but a close version. On the Green Hornet, some parts were revealed in the restoration photos, that prove her as the GT/SC prototype. In my interview with the GH restorer, Martin Euler, I'll ask about whether he wants to make me an GH-type IRS unit for my own GT/CS; maybe two or three for other owners (??) if there is enough interest...
Once the LR/GH chapters are to be completed this week, then it's off to finishing the 2007-09 GT/CS section, by an interview with that project's manager in Dearborn.
With those chapters completed then it's just a matter of editing the first 100 pages, and then refining the restoration and concours section. We'll tackle the taillight wiring problems once and for all!!
I wish to aknowledge and thank everyone on this site for your help, inspiration and hard work providing not only historical information, but for their data and registrations for the registry. I DO appreciate it.
So...it's back to the book! I'm knee deep in long hours to finish it up!! Cross your fingers for a July release, if all goes well.
More to follow in regular updates!
I'm guessing around Christmas, or after the 2009 production figures come out.
This is dated 5/13/09 and today is the 6th? And Paul is thanking the SAAC for THEIR help,inspiration, hard work etc??? What am I missing here?
I personally have a real problem with the fact that probably 99% of the prefunding (and ultmate purchasers) for this book has come from members of this site and Paul is providing updates to the SAAC forum, but not here.
I always get a kick out of seeing this thread when I come to the site. 2005 Update!!!!
Paul - just get the book done already!!