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1968 Thinking about adding to the stable...


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2009
Camas WA
I haven't posted in a while because my progress on my 2 68 CS's is very slow... I'll have to post a few new pictures when I can get a couple taken.

Well today I was at a local mustang parts shop - a long time collectors place - picking up a few new/old items for my blue CS - a new old grill, a few GT wheel caps, and a new/old steering wheel in very good condition!!!

I told the proprietor about what I was doing and how I kind of stumbled into the CS cars on Craig's list while looking to buy a shelby. Long story short he walks me over to his rather large garage building and shows me a 1966 GT 350 and a 1968 GT 350!!!! Then he tells me he'd sell the '68!!!! And for what I would consider a reasonable price. Not a steal/deal, but a fair/good price.

I'm having a hard time with this. I can afford it without damaging my investments etc... It's just I already have too much stuff. And I feel guilty or something. Or that it's just not reasonable. I've also concluded that if I do get the shelby, I should part with my Italian horse because I can't justify keeping it...http://californiaspecial.com/forums/imagesCS/smilies/sad.gif

You guys with tons of cars... help me rationalize this!!! For some reason if the shelby was blue, I think it would already be in my garage!!!

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
... Long story short he walks me over to his rather large garage building and shows me a 1966 GT 350 and a 1968 GT 350!!!! Then he tells me he'd sell the '68!!!! And for what I would consider a reasonable price. Not a steal/deal, but a fair/good price.

I'm having a hard time with this. I can afford it without damaging my investments etc... It's just I already have too much stuff. And I feel guilty or something. Or that it's just not reasonable. I've also concluded that if I do get the shelby, I should part with my Italian horse because I can't justify keeping it...http://californiaspecial.com/forums/imagesCS/smilies/sad.gif

You guys with tons of cars... help me rationalize this!!! For some reason if the shelby was blue, I think it would already be in my garage!!!

...Well the key lies in not damaging your investments coupled with the fact it's a good time to buy. "Guilt" and all that other stuff depends on your individual personality & can be pretty normal... I personally rationalize it by knowing in advance that all my cars really belong to God & that I only pay for the privilege to care for them. If I do a decent job - they will remain for my kids (or their next stewards) to enjoy long after...

...And if you indeed have too much stuff - perhaps a little closet cleaning or selling will help you feel better. Think of the "letting go" as a way for you to devote more time to owning a Shelby while providing a new owner the "ladder rung" you just stepped off of.

I only dreamed of, and wanted a '68 GT500KR when I started all this, and wanted to DRIVE, but couldn't rationalize driving $200K around (at the apex$$ of a few years ago)... The GT/CS was the logical alternative, but even that got out of control.... which is why I come here for on-going counseling and to recruit drivers, visitors and various others with the same wonderful illnesses. Needless to say, I have not recovered, nor is there a cure on the horizon, but I sure enjoy living in this coo coo's nest with the rest of the wards!

Life is good...and to the degree you "steward" your Shelby to make admiring others feel good - there will be no guilt.


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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
Flagstaff, AZ
I don't think you ever need to rationalize the purchase of a Shelby Mustang. They are great cars and if that car makes you feel good...DO IT! I've come to the conclusion that life is way to short and you need to have fun along the way. I also have the "Mustang Addiction" (I think there should be a "Mustangs Annonymous" program to help people like many of us) and would like to own just about every Mustang I see. In addition, I don't think you can ever have too many Mustangs, they are just "big toys for big boys".

So....what should you do?? My recommendation is that you buy that Shelby, shed that "guilt", and then find your local Mustangs Annonymous for some help!!! (You might want to see if that '66 GT 350 can be purchased, too!) Just my two cents.
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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I say go for it. You only go around once in life and it's not good to get stuck in a rut or be sitting somewhere 20 years from now wishing you'd done something fun with your life. If you're ready for a change and this is what you've always wanted, do it.



Well-known member
Feb 26, 2007
Canton, Ohio
A Shelby, reasonably priced, that you can readily afford...not too much to think about in my book. Hope it finds its way into your collection and that you have a lot of fun with it!


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2003
go for it dude.............that's what I'm talkin about...........


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
I agree Go! for it. I only limit my self to a number that I can properly care for and still have time left to drive and enjoy them. Post pictures! Marty


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
So many cars, so little time. Go for it, and make yourself happy.



Well-known member
Jan 15, 2006
I do think it is a good time to buy a Shelby. Prices have come down, but top notch examples are still getting a ton of money. Check out the for sale section of the SAAC forum. Who knows the real selling prices, but cars seem to be selling quickly. Maybe a little bit morbid, butI believe that once Carroll Shelby passes on, prices will jump up.

Decision to be made - what do you want to do with the car. Are you comfortable driving around in a $100K+ classic car?

Good luck and if you buy, post some pictures.


robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
In 1975 my mom used to go grocery shopping in my 1968 GT500 KR! The bag boys loved it!!!

My feelings about driving an expensive car are this.

There is really nothing that can't be replaced on these cars. Heck you can get good parts easier for these than you can for a new car! Certainly if you lose some original fiber glass that will devalue it a bit. But unless it is a trailer queen, DRIVE IT. Even a totaled front sub frame is fixable. Bent fender… No worries!

The worst thing that can happen is a complete fire or to have it stolen. I pick and choose a bit to drive my cars where they are a bit safer to leave alone. A fire extinguisher is a must. A battery kill switch is one of the most effective ways to beat the thieves. Somewhere you only know about. A hood lock and one of those battery storage kill switches is a great way to protect them.

Buy buy buy!!! What is the worst that can happen? It appreciates a bit more and you can make a profit. Not the reason I buy a collector, but it is comfortable knowing it will never lose much value!



Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
In addition, I don't think you can ever have too many Mustangs, they are just "big toys for big boys".Russ

Hey Russ! There are us "girls" out there who have the same addiction!!! :wink:

Bassman2, Would you regret it for the rest of your life if you did not buy it?? If so, GO FOR IT!!!


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2009
Camas WA
I want the shelby for sure. The only problem is that I also want a very special H1 alpha hummer too! I'll be out almost 200k if I get both!

(I used to have an H1 and miss it)

So, the Ferrari goes up for sale, and the 2500 hd Silverado Crew Cab duramax goes up for sale. And maybe one of my CS projects...:( we'll see about that...

I still feel odd and a bit guilty for some reason. Trying to embrace change but in this economy it still feels weird.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2006
Tell us about the Ferrari. The latest edition of Automobile has a great article on the Testarossa. Kind of scary when they recommend:

1) 30K service - pull the engine, replace seals, bearings and other wear parts = $8,000
2) 15K service - $4,000 minor service
3) Annual service - change fluids = $1,000

I guess with a Shelby you can avoid crazy maintenance costs.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Bay Area\ SoCal
Nothing like self medicating with a 68 Shelby!! Man just looking at that thing would give me a contact buzz.

Go for it!! Get the H1 later...although Im a Defender 90 owner so Im biased. :wink:

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
I want the shelby for sure. The only problem is that I also want a very special H1 alpha hummer too! I'll be out almost 200k if I get both!

(I used to have an H1 and miss it)

So, the Ferrari goes up for sale, and the 2500 hd Silverado Crew Cab duramax goes up for sale. And maybe one of my CS projects...:( we'll see about that...

I still feel odd and a bit guilty for some reason. Trying to embrace change but in this economy it still feels weird.

....Seeing what your tastes are to date, I don't see why a owning Shelby should make you feel guilty...

68 special

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2004
Just Do It, H1's will come and go. This may be the last chance to grab '68 Shelby at a "fair" price. As far as the Mustang addiction, No one can cure it!!! That's all I have to say about that.



Well-known member
Aug 13, 2009
Camas WA
Well - I just committed to get the H1 alpha! It is a very nice rig and one of 500. It is viper blue in color and listed on ebay right now. (I found it on another forum).

I'm also still thinking seriously about getting the shelby too! I need to make a call and see if I can't take another close look at the car and drive it!!

I still feel funny though - kinda excited and feeling like I'm wasting $$$$$$!

Here's the info on the ferrari - 1999 355 F1 spyder in tour de france Blue! It's got all the bells and whistles and had all services performed. It's got 20,446 miles. I just don't drive it hardly at all!