Out of the hundreds I have from other plans I only have a handful (copies from others and ones I've found) from San Jose. Since that plant used them differently than NJ or Dearborn there is little luck you will find one. At the other plants a copy of the build sheet was attached to subassembles to identify them once they reached the line but at San Jose they marked the parts differently. A copy was attached to the front and rear of the body but these most often ended up in a 55 gallon drum/trash can
Never found them under seat cushions, taped to door panels, or wire looms, all places other plants up them.
I've found them shoved in doors (most of the time they get wet there and leave only crumbs

, under front carpet where some worker threw them rather than placing them in the trash or shoved behind the rear quarter trim panels.
Would love to see copies if anyone has found them in the places mentioned above. The buildsheet will still have the wear, marks and folds if they were stored there.