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Search results

  1. CJ

    GT/CS Sales Brochure

    Would appreciate a copy also. Thanks CJ
  2. CJ

    Votes Needed for Meguiars NXT Amped Up Contest

    Final Stretch Need your vote, this pony is in the final stretch, contest closes at mid-night. So far 1149 votes, average 3.801. Thanks again to all who participated.CJ
  3. CJ

    Votes Needed for Meguiars NXT Amped Up Contest

    A couple more furlongs to go and the race is over for this pony. Thanks again for the votes.CJ
  4. CJ

    Votes Needed for Meguiars NXT Amped Up Contest

    Vote Tally As Of 12/23/06 The total amount of votes accumulated so far is 1122, avg. 3.726. Keep the votes coming in. This contest is over New Years Eve at midnight.Thanks AgainCJ
  5. CJ

    Votes Needed for Meguiars NXT Amped Up Contest

    Thanks CALIF GIRL, Perkchiro and nfrntau for the votes. CJ
  6. CJ

    Votes Needed for Meguiars NXT Amped Up Contest

    Vote Tally So Far Thanks for the votes everyone they are starting to really add up. As of today I have 1111 with an average of 3.7. Keep the votes coming in. This is one way of getting the word out about our California Special's.CJRocklin, CA
  7. CJ

    Something for all you GT/CS owners

    Sam here is what you were asking for rea the shirts for a '68 California Special the below link is of my GT/CS. Just send him a photo of your car and he does the magic.http://454autoart.com/id110.html CJ
  8. CJ

    Votes Needed for Meguiars NXT Amped Up Contest

    Thanks Tim ! Thread to vote is; http://www.nxtampedup.com/ampedupride_vote.php?auid=117&k=HAXQBV85EUYBDYA
  9. CJ

    Votes Needed for Meguiars NXT Amped Up Contest

    Here's How To Vote Ok, I kind of figured this voting thing out. Click on the link below it should take you to vote for my car. http://www.nxtampedup.com:80/ampedupride_vote.php?auid=117&k=HAXQBV85EUYBDYA If that didn't work click on the following link and where it say's "invite a friend to...
  10. CJ

    Something for all you GT/CS owners

    Thanks Tim... Claude
  11. CJ

    Votes Needed for Meguiars NXT Amped Up Contest

    I am currently in a Meguiar’s NXT “Wanted: Your Amped Up Ride” Contest. Visitors to the site may vote for their favorite Entry based on a scale of 1 to 10. Visitors will assign a score between 1-10 for an entry. The scores are averaged to arrive at the respective score. Barry Meguiar, Chief...
  12. 68gtcs_jpg_w180h180.jpg


  13. CJ

    Something for all you GT/CS owners

    I recently contacted the owner of www.454autoart.com Jeff Downes and submitted a photo of my GT/CS. A couple of days later he had the picture with art work posted on his web site http://454autoart.com/id110.html Excellent art work. Just ordered a bunch of shirts. Thanks for the info Granny...
  14. CJ

    Something for all you GT/CS owners

    Thanks Granny for passing along the info. Gotta luv that art work. CJ
  15. CJ

    2 year anniversary

    Another award winner in the making. Excellent Workmanship! CJ
  16. CJ

    Progression, OH SO SWEET!!!!!

    Mike what an awesome job you and Robinette have done. Did you photograph the various steps in rebuilding your CS? CJ
  17. CJ

    The World Where I Live

    These pictures are of the gold-mining ghost town of Bodie near Bridgeport, CA in northern California elevation 8375 ft. Enjoy CJ
  18. CJ

    Another Questionable GT/CS

    Currently for sale on Ebay is another questionable GT/CS. What is so fraudulent about this sale is that the black plates on this GT/CS is for a commercial vehicle. I emailed the seller about these plates and he replied "i know the plates are not off this car i do not have report but i have the...
  19. CJ

    8 Track

    Yea there are a few of us "old folks" on this forum. Had a '56 Chev in high school that had a 45 record player that had a chrome case attached under the dash. What was really cool about the chrome case was the reflections off of the chrome when your girl or another sat .......never mind. CJ