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Search results

  1. CJ

    8 Track

    Oh yea, out the window it went LOL. CJ
  2. CJ

    Wiper motor replacement

    Jayscal; Follow this link from Mustang Monthly regarding the removal of the windshield wiper motor. This should help you out. CJ http://www.mustangmonthly.com/howto/173_0307_wiper_motor_installs/index.html
  3. CJ

    Ebay car has many options

    Marti reports 8 track player, unfortunately an aftermarket radio is there instead. CJ
  4. CJ

    Who's GT/CS is this?

    Came across this GT/CS picture in the Chrome Pony website. Does this GT/CS belong to anyone on this site? Looks like it was taken at the drags somewhere getting ready to stage against a '55 Chev. CJ
  5. CJ

    Great Weekend w/ L.A. GT/CSs!

    Paul; Thanks for sharing the So. Cal. experience. It was like reading a book. CJ
  6. CJ

    Saying of the Week, and other Famous Quotes

    I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy. CJ
  7. CJ

    GT/CS, Mach I internet video...

    Cool flick and you gotta love Steppenwolf ! CJ
  8. CJ

    Open Mouth, Insert Foot

    Who Are the Recruits? The Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Military Enlistment, 20 "Its a known fact that "our kids", fighting in Iraq, are mostly poor kids who could`nt afford an education on their own and did`nt think anything bad would happen to them by joining the nations armed services...
  9. CJ

    Open Mouth, Insert Foot

    Way to go soldiers! Say no more John Kerry your a disgrace to your country and a turncoat.
  10. CJ

    GT/CS Convertible Clone

    These are two different clones. Beside the differences under the hood, one clone has a console with factory in-dash a/c the other clone has the a/c under the dash. CJ
  11. Mustang Owner Card.jpg

    Mustang Owner Card.jpg

  12. CJ

    'Had to do it!...

    Super nice ride Tim. Enjoy.... CJ
  13. Mustang Special Order Parts-Fog Lamps.jpg

    Mustang Special Order Parts-Fog Lamps.jpg

  14. Mustang Temporary Owner Card.jpg

    Mustang Temporary Owner Card.jpg

  15. CJ

    GT/CS Dash Plaque--I need your input.

    Paul; Having the plaque displayed in the fender notch would look like it belongs there with the last several digits of the VIN and whatever verbiage identifies the GT/CS. CJ
  16. CJ

    Taillight Covers (Inside Trunk)

    Mustanger; When they first started out in 1976 they were located in Pomona. Check their "history" on their web site. I thought my memory was going bad. CJ
  17. CJ

    Taillight Covers (Inside Trunk)

    I have been dealing with California Mustang in Pomona, CA since they opened in 1976 and NPD for many years too. Never had any problems. CJ
  18. CJ

    Best of Show in Eagle, Idaho

    Lot's of sweat and busted knuckles sure pays off. Congrat's ! CJ
  19. CJ

    Nor-Cal Bar-B-Q - More Pictures

    A special thanks to Mike and Robinette along with our GT/CS godfather, Paul Newitt for making this a truly “California Special” gathering nestled in the beautiful mountains of California gold country. The only time one would have seen this many GT/CS’s would have been coming off of the...
  20. CJ

    Need help with hood lock!

    Mosesatm: Being an original owner there was never any visible adhesive seen from the sides. Your are correct about the washers being flush against the hood. Like RVRTRSH, I too used water resistant silicone adhesive, spread it on the bottom of the washer thinly and then glued it to the hood...