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Search results

  1. CJ


    test test
  2. CJ

    Correct dash pad or not

    68FAN: Have you tried Sacramento Mustang, 4631 Auburn Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95841 916-484-3434 Claude http://www.sacramento-mustang.com/index.html
  3. CJ


    I am an original owner. What can I help you with? Claude
  4. CJ


  5. CJ

    Engine Question

    Casey You may want to post your problem at this particular site. I have had good results from the folks that read this site. http://www.hotrodders.com/ Claude
  6. CJ

    Need a title?

    I love the topic "Need a Title?" DMV's response would be "Want some jail time?" Perhaps this individual should contact California DMV I'am sure their investigators would love to speak with him. Perhaps he should read the following I am sure there are more statutes that he is violating...
  7. CJ

    MCA show

    Congrats.....Can you post the judging report so that we may see just what the judging process is and the short comings we may have in the event we may enter our GT/CS's in such competition. Thanks Claude
  8. CJ

    Mystery Ladder bars

    Paul; I don't know if you did a search on the internet re the ladder bars or not. I did a Google search and found all kinds of sites and pic's about ladder bars. I too remember those traction bars when I use to be a regular at Irwindale and Lions Drag strip. Claude
  9. CJ

    Turn Signals

    Hook I just sent you an email with two attachments from Chilton repair and tune-up guide for 1965 - 1973 Mustangs. These attachments are for the removal of the steering wheel, turn signal switch and replacement of same. If you have any problem with the attachments I will send them to you in...
  10. CJ

    GT/CS Parts Tag - What is it?

    My tag is located under the bolt that holds the coil to the intake manifold. Claude
  11. CJ

    Hood Turn Signal Rubber Grommet

    As an original owner I can unequivocally say my CS didn't have them. It would have been a good idea to have such a grommet to protect the integrity of the wires from chaffing. Claude
  12. CJ

    Registry Question for my new book

    Paul as an orginial owner I have to go along with point #1 that you made. Have your two columns that show that particular VIN in question was either checked by Marti Works or not. I have my orginal documents when I purchased my GT/CS and if I was going to sell it and the buyer wanted to...
  13. CJ

    2006+ Mustang GT/CS News

    I concur with the other post's regarding linking our GT/CS's with SAAC. This would be a beneficial way to obtain the recognition that we long for and would possibly increase the value of our GT/CS's. Let's face it, our GT/CS's are related to the Shelby, albeit a half-brother or half-sister...
  14. CJ

    Black Plates

    History of the California License Plate Basic information on 1963- present plates: 1963 was the last year a complete new plate issuance to all vehicles occured (the plates had a black background and chrome yellow characters). 1970 is the year the basic plate was changed to a blue background...
  15. CJ

    Dec Mustang Monthly with RUSS FURSTNOW

    Re: Dec Mustang Monthly with RUSS FURSTNOW I received my Mustang Monthly yesterday and was glad to see another article on the California Special. The article was well written and the pictures were great. Kudo's to Russ and his wife for an outstanding GT/CS. Congratulations CJ
  16. CJ

    Would you trade your 1968 GT/CS for a Fastback of same year?

    There is no way I would trade my GT/CS for another car, let alone a fast back. I agree with RJW. Plus, very few people can boast that they are an orginal owner. CJ
  17. CJ

    ADMIN - 2005 Calendar of our cars?

    Jon Should have some decent weather this week in Northern California for some pictures. If it comes down to the wire I will FedEx them to you. C J
  18. CJ

    Paint code for Acapulco Blue

    Here is a link to the PPG chart for 1968 Fords if the link doesn't work go to autocolorlibrary.com. http://autocolorlibrary.com/cgi-bin/search/searchpic.pl?1968-ford-pg01.jpg Good Luck CJ
  19. CJ

    How Many No. & So. Calif. GT/CS owners?

    How many current Northern and Southern California GT/CS owners are out there? How long have you owned your GT/CS? I am from Northern California, original owner. CJ
  20. CJ

    1968 Salvage Title Value

    Kevin; go to this web page (cut and paste) for California DMV which relates to Title questions. This should answer your questions and raise quite a few more. http://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/brochures/fast_facts/ffvr33.htm Good Luck CJ