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2006+ Mustang GT/CS News



I'm all for this. I know both Rick Kopec and Vincent Liska of the Shelby American Automobile Club quite well for many years.

I can present this idea to them....They would like to gain a lot of members through this (and I actually feel better going the Shelby direction than a Mustang direction).

I won't mislead anyone by assuming that what we have IS a Shelby, but the car was put together by Shelby Automotive in early '68 for Ford. I'll leave it up to SAAC as to how they would like to handle this. This could be a great step forward for us--and give us a lot more exposure--and "credibility" with these cars.

The only "downside" to this is that the association with SAAC "might" make the Mustang clubs frown on that....when it comes to judging time. But--that doesn't bother me in the least. I'm more concerned about what YOU, the owners out there think of this move.

I've ALWAYS liked SAAC. They are waaayyy cool people!!!
I can approach them if you'd like. Not a problem.

But...'cha know, this means we all gotta get a set of 10-spokes for each and every GT/CS and HCS!! (kidding)...

Paul Newitt


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Paul, I think this would be really cool!

I vote going the SAAC route. It is the fastest way to recognition (and value), and your history with them in helping to find the Green Hornet and all should give us the clout we need.

It would definitely add new members to SAAC (I am not currently a member).

The connection with Shelby through little red and the green hornet (plus Shelby American) should be strong enough to classify our cars in SAAC. I have friends with Shelbys that drool over my car as much as I do over theirs.

I say "go for it". Casey


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
I concur with the other post's regarding linking our GT/CS's with SAAC. This would be a beneficial way to obtain the recognition that we long for and would possibly increase the value of our GT/CS's. Let's face it, our GT/CS's are related to the Shelby, albeit a half-brother or half-sister. So why not?
