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Search results

  1. CJ


    General maintenance consists of things that should be done regardless of problem, and easy and obvious steps. Make the following observations while the vehicle is not hot or running. Note that these steps combined should take a few minutes, but they can save costly and embarrassing...
  2. CJ

    Help with tail lights

    Hey Brian Give me your email address and I will send you some information from Paul Newitt's California Special GT/CS Recogniton Guide and Owner's Manual regarding the repairing of your taillamps and wiring schematic. CJ
  3. CJ

    Rear tail light wiring harness need help

    Darrell I sent you some information to your email address from Paul Newitt's, California Special GT/CS Recognition Guide and Owner's Manual regarding the tail lamp schematic and repairing the taillights Good Luck CJ
  4. CJ

    X-Code for sale

    Hermenator; What city in California is the wrecking yard located? Also, what is the name of the wrecking yard? Thanks CJ
  5. CJ

    GT/CS Carb

    I replaced my Autolite with a Holley some time ago on my 302. The Holley worked well for a few years however it always needed adjustments. Finally changed to an Edelbrock like many others have and no problems at all.
  6. CJ

    Hood twist locks?

    According to Paul Newitt's GT/California Special Recognition Guide & Owner's Manual page 43, "What made this hood unique was the addition of Shelby-type "Quarter-Turn" hood locks made by ACSCO in California (see page 12). This required holes to be cut into the hood after it had been painted at...
  7. CJ

    Rear turn signal help!

    In order to isolate your electrical problem you will have to go through a process of elimination. Sounds like you may have an electrical short that is grounding out. I would start with the obvious and check all of the wires going to the tail lights for bare wires. Even a strand of wire will...
  8. CJ

    Headliner Install

    Are you replacing your headliner yourself? CJ
  9. CJ

    GT/CS stripe location

    Shookie Give me your email address and I will send you a copy of the directions for your GT/CS stripes according to Paul Newitt's Recognition Guide, First Edition. CJ
  10. CJ

    Hood Stripes

    According to Paul Newitt's, Recognition Guide & Owner's Manual, First Edition, page 44 is the following...."Two Tone Option Low Gloss Black Paint...Low gloss black hoot paint - Ditzler No. 9295. Note: Two tone hood stripes extend from cowl at windshield to lower part of turn signal insert...
  11. CJ

    Radiator Question

    The most important aspect regarding radiator upgrades is finding one that moves engine coolant at a higher volume or has more fins per inch of core surface. Many times this will mean a thicker core or more rows of tubes in the core, but this is not always the case. In some instances upgrade...
  12. CJ

    California Special - Type of Font Used

    Thanks Paul for the information.
  13. CJ

    California Special - Type of Font Used

    Does anyone know what type of font was used for the California Special script? Thanks
  14. CJ

    Stripe layout

    I just emailed you a copy of the instructions rea the GT/CS stripes. Good Luck
  15. CJ

    Stripe layout

    Post your email address and I will send you a copy of the directions/measurements that were scanned from the Recognition Guide for the GT/CS stripes.
  16. CJ

    Excellent Car Care Web Site

    Below is an excellent car care site called Autopia. This particular site is for the guy or gal that wants their car to look it's best. This particular site has several forum sections, a 9 section photo gallery, expert advice on making your car look its best, inside, outside and under the hood...
  17. CJ

    gt/cs weight

    According to some experts, one must way themselves in the morning, preferably after a shower. Were these "recommended" steps taken? Only kidding, thanks for the research.
  18. CJ

    ? For Paul...How Many Original Owners Are Out There?

    Another original owner here. CJ
  19. CJ

    Classic Mustang Data Plate Decoder

    I found this interesting web site where you can enter your VIN and get all of the information on your Mustang (1965-1973). Just plug your VIN and walla! http://www.mustangdecoder.com/ Have Fun CJ from NORCAL
  20. CJ

    Goodbye Website, from MrShelbyDallas

    Well I am definitely glad to see that the time has finally arrived for mrshelbydallas to hit the road with four flat tires. Your first mistake was taking on Paul Newitt and trying to sharpshoot him. You know mrshelbydallas, the webmaster was trying to be very professional with you by sending...