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Search results

  1. Powell

    1968 Trunk latch adjustment...

    I see Scott's West Coast Cougar Classic as one off their retailers. Maybe Scott will chime in and let us know about the seal.
  2. Powell

    . Happy Birthday Rob Campbell

    Happy Birthday Rob. Hope you have a wonderful day and perhaps a little drive in one of your cars.
  3. Powell

    1968 Mystery Noise 63, Rob 0

    Interesting, Some time back I replaced stock dist. with a Pertronix, but wanted to keep the year old plug wires. Had to get a Pertronix cap with the female towers. The new cap could not get along with the existing rotor.
  4. Powell

    . Happy Birthday PonyGal

    Happy Birthday Renee'. Karen and Ralph wish you the best for this special birthday and all the ones to come.
  5. Powell

    1968 Grill Rivets

    I actually made a tool from a C-clamp with a ball bearing brazed to one jaw and a relief partial hole drilled in the other jaw.
  6. Powell

    1968 Side Scoops - Stripe Installation and black insert

    If you have a good sign shop around you might try getting some black applique used for braille signage. It is about .040 thick and has a self adhesive back. Worked really well for mine. If interested you could pm me and I would be happy to send you enough for the job.
  7. Powell

    . Happy Birthday gtcs1 and Powell

    Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy New Year. Thanks for the warm Birthday wishes, it's nice to hear from such a fantastic group of CS lovers. Ralph
  8. Powell

    1968 Grill Rivets

    I believe they should be more rounded than the one in your picture. Not sure what the underside should look like.
  9. Powell

    Vintage Pics from days gone by.

    Proof that the MG was at one time in 1 piece. Wow lots of dark hair in that pic.
  10. Powell

    1968 Nice RED GTCS 1968 on 99E in Oregon

    Well it was not the Powells. I have not seen another red CS in the area, so it might be a new one around here.
  11. Powell

    . Happy Birthday Midnight Special

    Happy birthday to one Great guy, Tim. Karen and Ralph wish all the best to you on this special day and all of the others ahead!
  12. Powell

    ADMIN Order your CS.com 2014 Calendar now!

    Thanks so much Jon. I got my order Friday 11-29. They look great as ever. Ralph
  13. Powell

    1968 gauge question

    Wow that original clock seems to be very rare. It would be interesting to see Marti reports of how many CS's came with clocks.
  14. Powell

    1968 gauge question

    sounds like it might be an aftermarket tach.
  15. Powell

    1968 Vin # on engine block

    Can anyone here help me decode a block with a vin stamp of: 9J166319? Thanks for any help in advance. Ralph
  16. Powell

    1968 302 Header Suggestions

    You really need Rob to chime in here he has gone both directions. He also likes to spend other people's money.
  17. Powell

    . Happy Birthday Franklinair

    Happy Birthday Neil. Karen and Ralph wish you nothing but the best of everything today from here forward.
  18. Powell

    1968 plate under carb

    My question is, If I replace the carb. spacer will I need two of the carb. gaskets? Ralph
  19. Powell

    1968 My car dealership in 1968...

    My GT/CS 8R01C142701 was sold at WESTSIDE MOTORS 531 Center St. Taft, Ca. 93268 Scheduled build date 2-15-68, Actual build 2-19-68 Ralph
  20. Powell

    . Happy Birthday CougarCJ

    Happy Birthday Scott. Have a great day. Karen and Ralph