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Search results

  1. M

    1968 Trunk anti-rattle rods

    Our April built 68 San Jose car has the "C" clip configuration.
  2. M

    1968 Hood twist lock adhesive?

    Richard, I left the brackets a little high, closed the hood and twisted down the locks and paid attention to how much too high they were, unlatched everything and opened the hood, moved the brackets down what I thought was the correct amount and checked it again. Took a couple of attempts to...
  3. M

    1968 Hood twist lock adhesive?

    Tired of waiting for the shop to buff the paint. It is single stage and looks SOOO good that only a bit of selective buffing was needed on some horizontal areas to get out a spec of something. This morning the hood locks went on and the adhesive film worked wonderfully. Cleaned the area with...
  4. M

    1968 Birthday celebration of our car!

    Today is the 46th birthday of our California Special! Makes me think back to that time and all of the changes that have taken place. I was living in California at that time, in a town called Oxnard. 24 years old, waiting to be sent to Viet Nam with my Seabee battalion, a one way trip for many...
  5. M

    1968 Hood lock retainer screws

    Richard, I just checked the retainer mounting screws that I have. Let me begin by saying that when taking the car apart I carefully "bagged and tagged" each item, so I am certain that the screws for the brackets are in fact the screws that I removed over a year ago. Of course no one can be...
  6. M

    1968 Hood twist lock adhesive?

    Still have the locks on my desk waiting for a buff from the paint shop. Can't seem to get a day when the shop and myself are able to connect. Have front end alignment done and vehicle drives like a dream, went on a 50 mile shake down ride and all was very good, no mechanical adjustments...
  7. M

    1968 Paint inspection stamps

    the paint inspection stamps were very clear and visible when our CS was purchased. Now that the final steps of the restoration are here I find that the replicated stamps that I had made are terrible and nothing like the originals either in size or font. Does anyone have a replica of either one...
  8. M

    1968 Air Conditioning Help

    That bracket is used to clamp the bulb on the end of the cap. tube to the side of the expansion valve. You will never see one when installed because it is completely covered with cork tape that is wrapped around the expansion valve/orifice on the engine side of the firewall. Be certain to hang...
  9. M

    1968 Deck lid rubber strips Need a source!

    The thickness of the material is 1/8 inch. Neglected to mention that important dimension in the first post. Possibly 3/16 would work?
  10. M

    1968 Deck lid rubber strips Need a source!

    If you have a 68 Cs this may be of interest to you! The rubber strips that stick to the underside of the trunk lid on a CS have been elusive to me so asking, in fact begging, for your help or advice. Talked to Scott Fuller a couple of times about this and he measured and described the...
  11. M

    1968 Trunk CS stripe application

    Richard, sure wish that our trunk lid fit as well as yours. I hesitate to apply the stripes since the lid fits like " socks on a rooster". Thinking about yanking the correct weather strip from the trunk lid and then apply the soft foam Shelby weather strip and see if the fit improves. Ours is...
  12. M

    1968 Hood twist lock adhesive?

    Yes, I have it. It is all cut and applied to the stainless washers on the twist locks, but am waiting for the final buff of the paint before sticking it on the hood. Don't want to have to buff around the locks and risk putting a shiny edge on the brushed finish of the locks. No report yet on...
  13. M

    1968 Trunk CS stripe application

    The time has come to begin thinking about installing the CS stripes on the trunk and quarter extensions. I can see that the trunk is curved and the stripe kit is straight so the task will be more difficult. Putting a curve in a straight piece of vinyl means only one thing to me - PUCKERS! So...
  14. M

    1968 Side stripe install... what a PITA....

    Neil, I do not have a photo. Posting images is black art to me - guess just too old and too stupid. If you PM me with your email addy I will try and get my wife to take a "phone picture" and maybe I can send it to you - at least will try. Have probably hundreds of images of the build on my...
  15. M

    1968 Side stripe install... what a PITA....

    Richard, just measured the stripes on our car and the results are: Point to point of the top, THIN line is 18 and 5/8 inches. That is difficult to measure because the tape must go around the "bulge" in the fender opening so take this as an approximation, not an engineering spec. The distance...
  16. M

    1968 Side stripe install... what a PITA....

    Just did the same job, only backwards from your method. Started at the front, measured 4 inches down from the peak of the body line and held that all of the way down each side. My distance from the edge of the fender wheel opening did not end up the same as in the "book" because it is very...
  17. M

    1968 Grille trim oddity...

    Richard, take your thumb and push in on the inside corner of the grille surround and the holes will line up. The contour of the surround and the pot metal curve of the headlight bucket are slightly different, or at least that is the solution that worked for me. The surround is soft alloy and...
  18. M

    1968 Connector that plugs into brake light switch

    Thanks, Scott. Placed an order with you today. Your help is very much appreciated!
  19. M

    1968 mating engine and trans

    Richard, replacing the front seal is certainly within the range of your ability! It is just a "lip" seal much like the seal on an axle. Pop out the old seal, drive in the new. It is just one seal. No "kit" is needed. Pull out the converter, pop out the seal replace the seal and slide the...
  20. M

    1968 Connector that plugs into brake light switch

    Has anyone found a source for the plastic connector that plugs on the brake light switch? Mine has given up the ghost and so far have not been able to locate a replacement. Would like to find one that has a few inches of wire so it could be spliced into my harness. Years of slight movement...