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1968 Deck lid rubber strips Need a source!


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
If you have a 68 Cs this may be of interest to you! The rubber strips that stick to the underside of the trunk lid on a CS have been elusive to me so asking, in fact begging, for your help or advice. Talked to Scott Fuller a couple of times about this and he measured and described the originals on his car. My search ended up with nothing so asking for your help in locating material from which these foam strips can be made or a source for the material that is the correct width to begin with. The material is a closed cell form - to most of us that simply means that it is somewhat dense and firm as opposed to flimsy. Closed cell does not squeeze to the thickness of paper when compressed between the finger and thumb. The width is "just a hair" over 7/8 inch, and the length is about 4 inches. give or take a bit. The color is light grey, very much the color of grey automotive primer. The material has an adhesive on one side. Each car requires two stripes on the deck lid , one on each side. I am willing to buy a reasonable amount and give any of you enough for your car if someone can locate a source for this product. It could be cut to size with a paper cutter or some other means to arrive at the correct dimensions if needed. My hope is that someone can locate a source for the correct density, color and thickness of the foam. A bonus would be the correct width. Please help in any way you can - I suspect that very few if any of our cars have the correct foam strips on the trunk lid and would like very much to find a source. The demand for this is way too small for any major vendor to bother selling the correct material so it is up to us. Thanks in advance for your help and trust that together we can find the correct material. Please post your suggestions or possible solutions and lets get this done.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
The thickness of the material is 1/8 inch. Neglected to mention that important dimension in the first post. Possibly 3/16 would work?


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
I found some here in Oz at a local rubber shop. Simple grey neoprene adhesive backed foam strip.

The size was not exact but was so close as to be indistingushable from the one original I had on the car.... I looked for some spare, but could not find it to take some pics. It was 20mm wide vs 22 (7/8") for OEM, 3mm thick, vs 3.175 @ 1/8"... so not "concourse correct" but they would have to measure to spot it...

I'd assume any decent rubber shop (or even hardware store) woudl have sometjing similar. If you can't find something locally I can buy a 10 meter roll and mail strips out... I have to go buy some anyway for the post repaint detailing...