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Search results

  1. nfrntau

    1968 Power Steering Leak

    Ditto, and I thought I would take some teflon tape and just revisit tightening everything. Rob, how bad is the rebuild for these pumps?
  2. nfrntau

    1968 Rear Axle Alignment

    My plans today were to remove the rearend from my car to play with this issue. I ended up cleaning the garage and playing cards with my wife. Yep, no cussing my car today. My plan is to mill out the holes in the spring perches so I can move the rearend to the drivers side a touch. Hopefully...
  3. nfrntau

    1968 Has anyone ever hidden their antenna in the trunk?

    I also have a power retractable antenna. No issues with my install either.
  4. nfrntau

    installing radio

    Yes and no, If you have a console it will be a tad more work to do the job. Without the console it will be an easy change. Speakers may be an issue. They make kick panels that have the speakers in them. I use these and they work well. The issue would be if you wanted to keep it looking as...
  5. nfrntau

    . Keel & Wheels Concours D' Elegance

    The 15th Annual Keels & Wheels Concours D'Elegance was a huge success. This is reported to be the largest show of its kind in the United States. http://www.keels-wheels.com/houston_classic_auction.php We were blessed with beautiful weather, wonderful people & fellowships creating new friends...
  6. nfrntau

    attaching methods for scripts

    OK, you got me on that one. I don't know what Arlies favorite "Thick Beer" is. I do know that it's not Coors Light which is what you generally find in my fridge. I won't be making it to Sea in July but I am trying to make things work for June 2011 in Colorado. The only problem I see whith Rob...
  7. nfrntau

    attaching methods for scripts

    Rob, I have been losing sleep thinking you were venting at me. The only way you can make amends is to fly to Houston and dial in my carb for me. Only then will I forgive you :)
  8. nfrntau

    attaching methods for scripts

    Thats what I needed Thanks Arlie. I'll swing by Ace hardware on the way home and pick up some 3/32" push pin fasteners. Cheers Bill
  9. nfrntau

    attaching methods for scripts

    Bringing back an old topic, I have a replacement script I need to install. Thanks Ron for your help on this one, Top Notch. My present script was attached with a small barrel but it appears to be very fixed to the old script. Are the speed nuts still the best way to attach the CS script if you...
  10. nfrntau

    4,444 posts....

    Mines 426, a good Hemi number. On the forum statistics it says 149 active members. Any ideas on what puts a member in the active status? Recent posts? Any posts? Just signing in?
  11. nfrntau

    4,444 posts....

    I just couldn't resist. This seemed like the perfect time to add one to mine also. Happy Monday all
  12. nfrntau

    1968 Tail Light Panel - Fiberglass Repair

    I would try a two part epoxy. JB weld or the like. I have some of the grey stuff used for reflectors in the street. Put a very thin film (very thin!!) of vaseline on the threads of your screw, then overcoat with epoxy and fill the hole with epoxy almost to the top, insert screw, let dry to...
  13. nfrntau

    1968 Another disc brake question - so I don't hijack the other thread

    Glad you found a kit that would work for you. My wheels were just stock steel wheels, not the deluxe kind. Just curious why you didn't want to go with SSBC rear kit so that all four would match? Calipers, disks, mounting hardware, etc. I also purchased grade 8 bolts from the local hardware...
  14. nfrntau

    1968 My Lime Gold GT/CS is DONE!!

    Looks great, you will have a grand time driving it.
  15. nfrntau

    1968 Another disc brake question - so I don't hijack the other thread

    I used the MPbrakes drum to power disc set-up on my car. I've had no issues with it and found their customer support to be helpful. It came with the new brake pedal as well and pretty much bolted right up. As stated by others, you will need to do some brake line fitting but it really is not...
  16. nfrntau

    . Modest Dream Garage

    Yes, Two coats of PPG Aquapon 35 and topcoated with one coat PPG Pitthane Ultra. www.ppghpc.com Its supposed to be pretty tuff and durable.
  17. nfrntau

    . Modest Dream Garage

    Hey All, I now have one I can share. With the artistic talents of Tim and tons of elbow grease from Arlie, I present the new home for Robin, my GT/CS
  18. nfrntau

    . Anyone ever seen one of these?

    I would think listening to Robs motor under hood would do the exact same thing.
  19. nfrntau

    . Anyone ever seen one of these?

    While cleaning my garage out I had to move my motor. Comments such as What's that? and It isn't stock were heard along with the statement let me get my camera. So here it is, what is it?