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Search results

  1. nfrntau

    1968 Hood pin cutouts

    Dalorzo, is the small hole in your hood truly round? Also, it appears you have screws or nuts on the bottom side near your pin holes. What does the top portion of your hood twist locks look like. I have not seen screws/nuts in any of the prior photos or on cars I have looked at. The top...
  2. nfrntau

    Colorado Event in 2011?

    I'm coming too, looking forward to seeing y'all there. Should be really cool to see all the GTCS's and HCS's together.
  3. nfrntau

    . Christmas Gift

    A Christmas gift to all. I have had this posted in my tool box for years and found it to be invaluable. For those of you who would use it it should be self explanatory. Cheers and Merry Christmas
  4. nfrntau

    . Cool Automobile Brochure Website

    A friend of mine sent this to me. Pretty neat website for auto brochures. All makes and models. No GT/CS ... yet http://www.lov2xlr8.no/broch1.html
  5. nfrntau

    . An update from Paul Newitt on the New Book

    I'll get the book's DVD ready for shipping (crossing fingers) first for those who pre-ordered, by Christmas. Any word on if this will still happen before Christmas?
  6. nfrntau

    . Header Gasket Secrets

    Thanks Steve, Good points, and well appreciated.
  7. nfrntau

    . Header Gasket Secrets

    The leak is where the header bolts to the head.
  8. nfrntau

    . Header Gasket Secrets

    Hey all, I have a leak in my exhaust header gasket and so it needs to be changed. Thought I'd ask everyone what secrets they use to make sure the replacement gasket doesn't leak also. Cheers Bill
  9. nfrntau

    1968 Don't Take Short Cuts

    Josh, Don't fret .... yet. My car when I received it had the same issue. That stuff was years old and decayed. Fortunately for me there was no rust underneath and no cowl replacements were necessary. How did I get it out of there you ask, I used a shop vac and one (a bunch) of the hefty malt...
  10. nfrntau

    . Rob's First New Garage Project

    Generally, they're easier on the eyes also :)
  11. nfrntau

    1968 plumbing a feed/return line for EFI

    At 100 mph I imagine that pump will be screaming :)
  12. nfrntau

    1968 plumbing a feed/return line for EFI

    The reason to install fuel pump near the tank down low is to keep it primed at all times. The pump needs to be below the tank. I also agree with you that it would be quiter back there as well.
  13. nfrntau

    1968 Web site problems?

    Chocolate chip to boot.... Nice choice !!
  14. nfrntau

    1968 Rear Anti-sway bar

    Here is the photo.
  15. nfrntau

    1968 Rear Anti-sway bar

    You say you might be missing some parts. It would depend on what manufacturer your bar is to what parts you may be missing. I have a Stambar rear. I will post a photo when I get to the house if it will help.
  16. nfrntau

    1968 front end alignment

    I just eyeballed mine until it looked like the tires were pointing straight. The shop wasn't but a few miles away. As long as you drive slow and take it easy you shouldn't lose to much tread.
  17. nfrntau

    1968 Big suprise

    Neil? Has your stable gotten larger by one?
  18. nfrntau

    1968 replacement water pump

    The late model water pump will also have the return hose exiting to the wrong side of the car. If it goes to the wrong side you will also lose sight of the timing mark mark
  19. nfrntau

    1968 New owner of a GT/CS

    Ditto ..
  20. nfrntau

    E Mail Warning

    This just happened to my wife's hotmail account also. Its bad enough they send you all that junk but then they want to steal your addresses and good name so they can get at the people that trust you. The worst part is there is nothing we can do to stop it.