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Search results

  1. nfrntau

    1968 Shock Tower Notch Kit/ Rack & Pinion Help

    David, I found the guys at Steeroids to be very helpful, I'm sure they will make suure you get up and running safely. The instructions are good and the install is not difficult. Since you have the opertunity and ability to do so. Definitely install your R&P first, then your engine and then...
  2. nfrntau

    1968 Shock Tower Notch Kit/ Rack & Pinion Help

    I too have a 351W in my car. I have hedman full length headers and Steeroids R&P set-up. I used adjustable motor mounts and had to notch the passenger side R&P mounting bracket for header clearance. Using a different brand header may have alleviated that issue, don't know. I already had my...
  3. nfrntau

    1968 Rear spring bolt cover plug

    My subframe connectors were both. The rear bolted in place and then the front needed to be welded. I welded both ends front and rear to the frames for strength.
  4. nfrntau

    Congrats to Bill (Nfrntau) agian!

    Thanks Y'all, Two in one month, how bout that!
  5. nfrntau

    1968 Rear spring bolt cover plug

    Marty, I installed sub-frame connectors which covered the holes. I didn't need to address that issue. That said, if they were accessable, I would have found the right size plug to fit the hole or used the originals. Mine are old but I may still have them if you want them. I kept almost...
  6. nfrntau

    1968 Rear spring bolt cover plug

    Here is a photo I took before I restored my car. I am pretty certain that it is a stock original part as it had the same color and hardness as the rest of the plugs on the car.
  7. nfrntau

    . nfrntau's CS in Modified Mustangs and Fast Fords

    How cool it that, Thanks for posting.
  8. nfrntau

    1968 9" detail photo

    Here is the final detail photo. It went back into the car today and we were able to move the total rear end under the car to center it between the wheel wells.
  9. nfrntau

    1968 Is this what I need to make the holes for the hood locks?

    http://californiaspecial.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7202 This should help a bit
  10. nfrntau

    1968 over heating

    As said earlier, check your thermostat. Change your fluid using distilled water, antifreeze and water wetter or similar and see what happens. You might also install a thermometer cap to have a second source of measurement. It is possible your engine is fine and your gauge went bad. I have one...
  11. nfrntau

    1968 9" detail photo

    Thanks Marty, I'll post a photo when I'm done. Can you tell me if on all 9" diffs the rubber bumper (square pyramid looking bumper) is mounted on the yoke cover? On my original 8" the rubber bumper was attached to the car, not the diff. Cheers
  12. nfrntau

    Shop Progress

    I believe I think what they are really telling you is that they don't want to do it. In the long run I think you will be happier with a single meter and a lower electricity bill.
  13. nfrntau

    1968 9" detail photo

    Can anyone recommend a rattle can type and color that comes close to the red oxide and cast/natural gray for the diff 3rd member and yoke parts? Cheers, Bill
  14. nfrntau

    1968 9" detail photo

    You are correct :) Fortunately, I have many years to go Unfortunately, I have yet to save enouph money for as long as I plan on living If so, I would be all over the retirement option.
  15. nfrntau

    1968 Top safety modifications for classic Mustangs?

    Halogen headlights Disk brakes LED rear lights 3 point seatbelts High back bucket seats (front and rear) Passenger side mirror Drive shaft loop Front and Rear sway bar Trunk sheild And not listed above Third brake light
  16. nfrntau

    1968 over heating

    First thing I would do is make certain your thermostat is opening. Put it in a pan of water and put the fire to the pot. Use a ccandy thermometer and then you will know when and if it is opening.
  17. nfrntau

    1968 9" detail photo

    Thanks David, that's what I needed Thanks Rhonda, I've finally figured out what I want to be when I get old... Retired. Unfortunately I still have quite a few years to go.
  18. nfrntau

    1968 9" detail photo

    Hey all, I just pulled the rear end out of my car and want to detail the differential while I have it out of the car. Does anyone have a good detail photo of what an accurately restored 68 mustang 9" chunk looks like? Is it the same as this 8" (photo attached)? The photo of the 9" outside the...
  19. nfrntau

    1968 were to put decal for california special

    Mines on the back window lower-right hand corner
  20. nfrntau

    1968 Power Steering Leak

    It will be 4th of July weekend before I will have a chance to work on my car. I already tried tightening the nut between the can and the high pressure hose and that didn't change the leak at all. I'll try the rebuild Rob pointed out. Can you get the front and can parts apart without a vice...