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Search results

  1. L

    Concourse '68 Shelby

    Gosh, I didn't know Highland Greens were so hard to find. We literally stumbled across ours..
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    Concourse '68 Shelby

  3. L

    Concourse '68 Shelby

    Beautiful cars! I LOVE the Highland Green GT500KR. That's my dream car.
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    Concourse '68 Shelby

    The gold Shelby with a white top. Never seen that combo.
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    Red J-Code

    Now I remember you mentioning earlier than you had a 3 speed J code. Your car had white wall tires! Mine didn't even get those:undecided . My parents had a 65 Pontiac Tempest with white wall tires. My brother and I would have to clean them with a toothbrush if we got into any trouble. The car...
  6. L

    Concourse '68 Shelby

    Any pics?
  7. L

    Concourse '68 Shelby

    Or could it have been a special order? There is no sold date on the Marti report. I just can't picture it with a white top.
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    Red J-Code

    I certainly didn't mean to pass judgement on those who change the color of their cars. As you said, to each his(or her!) own. Our cars are ALL awesome cars, old paint, new paint, red paint, blue paint:rofl: !
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    Red J-Code

    I agree! I want to see the pictures too!
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    Red J-Code

    I'm in the same warped world then.:scared:
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    Concourse '68 Shelby

    I agree with you Don. Isn't concourse restoration putting as is was from the factory? I'd drive it. 68 Shelby convert is my dream car, but in Highland Green of course.
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    Concourse '68 Shelby

    It's supposed to have a white top, though looks better with black.
  13. L

    CS on ebay

    What do you think of this one? They guy doesn't seem to be trying to hard to sell it. 1 picture!! With the price so low, can't be real?? Or does the guy not know what he has? Could be a real J code CS:eek: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4613363464
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    Red J-Code

    Having a J code myself (without the J engine ) I'm still curious as to how many were produced. One of these days I'm going to upgrade to a deluxe Marti but all the cash went into the resto. I don't think I've run across one like mine- J code 3 speed (now a 4) nothing but an AM radio.....
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    Car is almost done

    My car was missing the belts in the first place so I had to put something in so I figured it might as well be 3 point. My kids are pretty young (6 and 10) so I feel safer with the 3 points, even for just the occasional drive.
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    GT/CS Deluxe Hood Option

    I had to pull out my original bezel and take a look since I just replaced mine too. The new one is already in the car so I can't compare but mine has 'U' shaped green plastic heald on by 2 pieces of glue. I was surprised when the repro came that is was made of plastic, but then I saw the one...
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    Car is almost done

    Heard from the shop today and my car is about done. They're are installing the stripes tomorrow and finishing last minute detailing. Then it's back to the upholstry shop for the rear seat belts to go in. I'm having 3 points put in so the kids can ride legal. I forgot all about this little detail...
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    Steering Wheel Restoration

    I love the look and I'm going to do it to the wheel I got from Arlie.
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    Last Minute Jitters--What Say You?

    Are we passing out cigars yet?
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    Ontario GT/CS on eBay

    Zach posted an invite on ebay yesterday to conact him with any questions. Natasha if you haven't contacted him yet, you should. zachary302@hotmail.com