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Search results

  1. L

    GT/CS for Sale

    You guys are quick! I new some cars had this, just didn't know it was the early ones. Are early cars not as good as later cars? Were they working out he kinks so to speak?
  2. L

    GT/CS for Sale

    Without the VIN, how can you tell it's an early car? Always wanting to learn......
  3. L

    black stripes on the hood of my CS

    I love the look of black hood stripes on a CS, especially when the side stripe is black. Were hood stripes ever white?
  4. L

    Terrible looking clone

    You'd think after spending a few bucks on paint he'd at least vacuum the car!!
  5. L

    Need engine advice

    The 289 runs great and it's plenty powerful for me, it's just in sad looking shape. So being that I'm not at all mechanical, what would it run me to have it pulled out and cleaned? Or a date correct 302?
  6. L

    Need engine advice

    Well, after pestering the guy I got my CS from for the original 302, we discover the engine he has is NOT the original engine of the car:undecided . So, now I'm wondering what to do. The engine in it now is a '65 289. It runs well but it looks like a 40 year old engine and I really want to get...
  7. L

    Terrible looking clone

    Can you believe there are 5 bids on this terrible looking clone?????:icon_dead http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4611247287
  8. L

    Witness Line & No Witness Line

    There have been quite a few threads on this and one of them says that repro's don't have the line, only originals. BUT the scoops could be original and had their witness lines sanded off before paint.
  9. L

    CS in Barrett Jackson sold for 49,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was wondering about that when I first saw the car. In fact, I went to the gallery and checked other cars 'cause it just didn't look right to me. Thanks for the info... always learning something new on this site!!
  10. L

    '07 GT/CS spotted at FHM Superbowl Party

    I missed some of the game (though I taped it all) and all I saw were 3 ford commercials. A mustang commercial in the first quarter and in the post game and a hybrid commercial before the half. I was bummed there was no sign of the GT/CS!
  11. L

    Car cover

    Thanks for that one Steve. I would have thrown a cover on as soon as it gets home. What about those dust mops? I use one on my 'mom' car. Would it be ok on new paint?
  12. L

    Car cover

    What do you all think of car covers? My car comes back in a week or so and I keep it in a locked garage with our other car and I think I want to keep it covered. We live on a busy road and the car gets dusty even in a closed garage. So what's the big difference in a $20 cover and a $200 cover?
  13. L

    Why a GT/CS or HCS?

    My girls can't wait 'till my car is out of the shop and I can pick them up again in it. I'm actually afraid to pick them up- those high strung mom's in their SUV's are crazy drivers!!
  14. L

    Correct color for GT symbols on hubcaps

    I did the nail polish thing and it looks ok. I'm going to re-do them with a fine brush.
  15. L

    What Do You Do????

    Before kids I was a veterinary nurse for 14 years. Now I'm a teachers aide for K-1st grades.
  16. L

    Our time has come.....

    For me it's all about getting it out and driving it. There is not a time I have it out that I am not asked about it. It gets out of the shop in a week or 2 and I can't wait. Maybe the first place I'll go is swing by the Ford dealer and educate them on a REAL CS before the 07's roll in. I haven't...
  17. L

    Decal Placement on California Special

    Hi Joe, I started the same thread a few weeks ago called 'stripe intstallation'. Here's the link to the directions from Pauls book. If it doesn't work I think it's in the gallery. You might want to check the other thread- lots of good info and tips on decal installation. Good luck...
  18. L

    GT/CS on cover of Mustang Times

    So what, now you guys are racing to see who can post a referal thread fastest?? Too bad the clock doesn't get down to the seconds!