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Search results

  1. L

    Brittany for sale on eBay

    Love the color. Seems like a good price for the car. If I had the room, and the money, and the time.......
  2. L


    Is that me at 27th? I gotta get another hobby! Nahhh!
  3. L

    Comment by 'luisa2552' in album 'Donna's GT/CS'

    Beautiful car Donna!
  4. L

    68 Shelby Clone for sale again

    Yup, just checked Donna's reference post to the previous listing. Those pictures show the real plates. I wanted to have repro plates done for my car 'cause I have the original plate number, but CA DMV said they weren't allowed?
  5. L

    68 Shelby Clone for sale again

    The lettering on the black plates doesn't look right. The letters and numbers are too far apart. I don't think they're real.
  6. L

    Cool mustang on ebay

    gt bandit- I think you should email him. His response would tell you if it's a scam or not. See if he's open to you coming to see the car. Scam or nor it's a beautiful car.
  7. L

    Cool mustang on ebay

    Here's a car for those who collect. I've never seen one with the right hand drive. I know we have a few members down under. Was this conversion done here or in the country of destination? It will be interesting to see how high the price goes...
  8. L

    Cool '68 Mustang Station Wagon

    The wagon is listed again http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Mustang-Custom-Built-Station-Wagon-A-Real-Eye-Catcher_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6236QQitemZ4620184732QQrdZ1
  9. L

    New Spy Photos of the GT/CS

    I like Pauls version of the deck lid and lights. Hopepully someone at Ford will too.
  10. L

    390 CS on Ebay

    So you can assume that all cars that have the black trim have had the bezels replaced?
  11. L

    390 CS on Ebay

    Nice looking car. I love the color combination. What about the tail light bezels? Black trim! (I'm big on spotting these since I've been properly educated on chrome vs black!). I'm still confused as to why so many supposed 'original' cars have black trim bezels??
  12. L

    New Spy Photos of the GT/CS

    Isn't that a different spoiler than on the first 'spy' photos that came out? I think the first pictures had a spoiler like what's available for the regular mustang. Don't like either of them!:icon_no: I'll stick with my 68 any day!
  13. L

    Latest Purchase

    Congratulations! Love the color!
  14. L

    390 CS on Ebay

    I'm not finding it- do you have the link?
  15. L

    Cool '68 Mustang Station Wagon

    I wonder if it will re surface. I think it's a cool looking car.
  16. L

    14,000 Mile GT/CS on eBay.

    Then will someone please explain the tail light bezels? Why do so many cars have the trim black? And these are original and as far as I know so are mine but the trim is black.:confused:
  17. L

    14,000 Mile GT/CS on eBay.

    Nice car! Someone help me with this tail light bezel thing. This car has black trim around the bezels like mine. Why do so may cars have this if it is not correct? And this car is all original.....
  18. L

    GT/CS on eBay Again - starting @ $32,000

    Wasn't this one for sale recently too? Did the sales fall through or what? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4618365395
  19. L

    Tail light question

    Excuse my lack of knowledge and correct terminology, but I need new plastic tail light parts (one is cracked). Are they the same as a 67 or 68 cougar? or is it specific to the CS or Shelby? Thanks all...:grin:
  20. L

    Just Found: 428CJ GT/CS!

    So does this mean they are all accounted for?