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Red J-Code


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I just told my broker than I wasn't going to buy a red J-code that he found in Portland.

It would have been $23,000 plus his 10%. Not a bad price for a J-code in the shape this car is in. Red with black stripes, black standard interior with lower console, auto w/3.00 gears, either 50K or 150K miles (looks like 50K to me), not a speck of rust anywhere. GT rear valance, styled wheels.

Very, very clean car BUT it was gold at one time and I have this thing about cars that have had color changes. Von Quack is going to be busy this week!

If anyone is interested in the car I'll hook you up with the broker. Maybe he would be willing to broker it for you.
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Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
"Very, very clean car BUT it was gold at one time and I have this thing about cars that have had color changes."

Okay Arlie, I'm curious what it is about color changes. I changed mine from lime gold to candyapple red. I know that's a no-no for a purist, but I just couldn't resist the change. I took it down to bare metal and started over. Just a matter preference I guess. Let me know your thoughts on this one.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Perkchiro said:
"Very, very clean car BUT it was gold at one time and I have this thing about cars that have had color changes."

Okay Arlie, I'm curious what it is about color changes. I changed mine from lime gold to candyapple red. I know that's a no-no for a purist, but I just couldn't resist the change. I took it down to bare metal and started over. Just a matter preference I guess. Let me know your thoughts on this one.

The car just wasn't born that way. Kind of like Michael Jackson trying to be white instead of being happy with who he is. OK, bad example.

If it was born lime green then it should be proud of what it is and not let the flashy red cars make it feel inferior, or let an owner tell it it's not pretty enough by changing its color. Accessories are great. New wheels and tires are kind of like a boob job or a butt lift on a woman, go for it. Add all you want. But to change the essence of the car is like trying to change its soul.

Not to make you feel guilty Steve but you've probably scarred you car for life so don't be surprised if it belches purple anti-freeze all over the judge's shoes just to get even!!!

Anyone who would change a green car to red......... (Jon, we need a smiley holding a cross, like in the vampire movies!)

I don't know how much more of this I can take.

I really must find Von Quack's number.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
Here is a good example.

A few years ago I got into collecting and dealing rare coins. I started out collecting and the entrepreneur in me led me into dealing rare coins as well. In rare coins to alter in any way a coin is VERY bad. A coin and car can only be original once. To me originality is a BIG plus. You can always replace parts, upgrade and restore but originality only happens once and cannot be duplicated. I have a 66 Mustang that I dumped over $45k in parts into and when it is all said and done I MUCH prefer my original cars. It all comes down to personal tastes.

not bashing ANYONE but rather giving my opinion.


Active member
Jan 25, 2005
Thanks for sticking up for Lime Gold, 10 years ago I would have painted it Acapulco Blue but could not afford it. Having no money can be a good thing....


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Andrew said:
Having no money can be a good thing....

I'm sure there are plenty of us here on the site that can relate to that. Most of my money is sitting in the garage. :eek:



Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
Having a J code myself (without the J engine ) I'm still curious as to how many were produced. One of these days I'm going to upgrade to a deluxe Marti but all the cash went into the resto. I don't think I've run across one like mine- J code 3 speed (now a 4) nothing but an AM radio.....


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
390cs68rcode said:
Here is a good example.

A few years ago I got into collecting and dealing rare coins. I started out collecting and the entrepreneur in me led me into dealing rare coins as well. In rare coins to alter in any way a coin is VERY bad. A coin and car can only be original once. To me originality is a BIG plus. You can always replace parts, upgrade and restore but originality only happens once and cannot be duplicated. I have a 66 Mustang that I dumped over $45k in parts into and when it is all said and done I MUCH prefer my original cars. It all comes down to personal tastes.

not bashing ANYONE but rather giving my opinion.

Are you talking original overall? Or original as far as color?

I guess a question to Arlie too ...
If you strip the car down to bare metal and then paint it the original color ... you're ok with that? It's just the change in color?

I don't think I even know what I'm asking anymore :confused:


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
BroadwayBlue said:
Are you talking original overall? Or original as far as color?

I guess a question to Arlie too ...
If you strip the car down to bare metal and then paint it the original color ... you're ok with that? It's just the change in color?

I don't think I even know what I'm asking anymore :confused:

both :smile:


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I don't like color changes. In my warped world the code on the door should match the color of the door.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
luisa2552 said:
Having a J code myself (without the J engine ) I'm still curious as to how many were produced. One of these days I'm going to upgrade to a deluxe Marti but all the cash went into the resto. I don't think I've run across one like mine- J code 3 speed (now a 4) nothing but an AM radio.....

Hey Luisa, the first post in this thread gives the basic numbers. It doesn't break down "manual transmission" into 3 or 4 speed but it will get you close.


Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...Interesting reading here... I largely agree w/ not changing the "soul", but sometimes you find one at a great price w/ everything you wanted 'cept for that original ('50s refrigerator) color. We can't choose anymore like the dealer days. A '69 Mach I had was that way w/ a sleepy light yellow that blended nicely w/ grandma's (4-door) Nova at the supermarket lot... I gave it a stunning Corvette yellow w/ black trim & WOW!! ...added chrome Cragers and side pipes (we're talkin' 1970s) and man was I cool!!! ('Thought I was) but the added attention from the Mustang really enhanced the already great experience. Isn't that what it's all about? Feeling "cool"???

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Midnight Special said:
...Interesting reading here... I largely agree w/ not changing the "soul", but sometimes you find one at a great price w/ everything you wanted 'cept for that original ('50s refrigerator) color. We can't choose anymore like the dealer days. A '69 Mach I had was that way w/ a sleepy light yellow that blended nicely w/ grandma's (4-door) Nova at the supermarket lot... I gave it a stunning Corvette yellow w/ black trim & WOW!! ...added chrome Cragers and side pipes (we're talkin' 1970s) and man was I cool!!! ('Thought I was) but the added attention from the Mustang really enhanced the already great experience. Isn't that what it's all about? Feeling "cool"???

...Furthermore... The 390 GT/CS I also had in high school was a gaudy two-ton(e) green w/ flames, flared fenders, leopard skin interior, Thrush side pipes, but equally cool (1970's again;-) and fast. I dare NOT post a pic of it here 'cuz you all would hire out a 'hit' on me I'm sure. But the good news is that the car is in the hands of a very good friend who is going full-on frame-off concourse which is one of the nice things about the simplicity and parts availability of our Mustangs. Different strokes for different folks & all is still well. :))


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
Midnight Special said:
...Furthermore... The 390 GT/CS I also had in high school was a gaudy two-ton(e) green w/ flames, flared fenders, leopard skin interior, Thrush side pipes, but equally cool (1970's again;-) and fast. I dare NOT post a pic of it here 'cuz you all would hire out a 'hit' on me I'm sure. But the good news is that the car is in the hands of a very good friend who is going full-on frame-off concourse which is one of the nice things about the simplicity and parts availability of our Mustangs. Different strokes for different folks & all is still well. :))

please post a pic of the old CS. To me seeing the different things these cars went through is part of their history.

post it!