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Search results

  1. L

    Fab Fords Forever show - PICS!!

    I love the pics, especially the one with the surfboard strapped to the top! Looks like it was lots of fun. I'll have to make the trip next year.
  2. L

    Funny street Names

    I lived on a street called Wissahicken. I like the way it rolls off the tounge....
  3. L

    Super Rare 426 Hemi 69 Shelby on eBay

    It's been pulled already.
  4. L

    Mustangs in the Movies

    Aly and AJ (bubble gum pop my kids listed to) have a video with a 65 convertable in it.
  5. L

    manual to power steering swap

    Oh yeah, parallel parking is still out of the question!
  6. L

    CS Class At Car Show

    Hey Rich, when is the Mustangs Plus show? I don't think I'd take my CS but I'm an hour and a half away and I'd love to check out the show.
  7. L

    manual to power steering swap

    Hi Rich, It is SO much better with the factory wheel. I don't know the size of the one that was on it, but it was very small. I had such a hard time steering the car which is why I wanted power steering. But with the factory wheel, it's like having power steering compared to the other wheel. The...
  8. L

    manual to power steering swap

    There is a thread on this somewhere a while back. It really made me think hard about adding power steering. When I got my car it had a small steering wheel on it which made it even harder to steer. I decided before I added power I would try it with a larger, factory steering wheel (thanks...
  9. L

    Anyone ever commishened an artist to do there car...

    I want to look into having a photo of my car blown up and put onto my snowboard. Not exactly art, but it will be pretty cool if it can be done.
  10. L

    Wanted!!!! Gt/cs

    I have not seen a $25,000 car that needs 'a lot of work'. I guess it depends on what you think a lot of work is. I got my car 2 years ago for trade ($7,000 worth of work) and I haven't added up what I've put into it but it's probably approaching 10K and it still needs work. All CS's are art to...
  11. L

    Wanted!!!! Gt/cs

    GT CS, have you checked into the one on ebay in your neck of the woods? Looks like a nice car.
  12. L

    Wanted!!!! Gt/cs

    Are there 2 threads on this? Well, since this one has more posts, I'll post here too. Here's one in the UK. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4626926454
  13. L

    Long time listener, first time caller

    Maybe I haven't been lurking around long enough, but I don't think I've ever seen a color change on a car that was originally Highland Green. Too awsesome of a color I guess!
  14. L

    Floor Pan Scribble

    Is the one on the right 19 plus 6? And they got the answer of 26?? Too funny.
  15. L

    GT/CS for Sale in Seattle

    Aww, come on, tell the joke.......
  16. L

    Octane ratings

    76 station 92 octane for mine- no MTBE
  17. L

    Are Your Winter Projects Done

    I think most know my car has been away at the paint shop all winter getting a makeover. I FINALLY got the right rear belts for the kids and they'll be installed Monday, so she's comin' home for good next week!
  18. L


    Thanks Arlie!
  19. L

    GT/CS for Sale in Seattle

    Clean looking CS. Didn't see a price.