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Search results

  1. L

    Steve Irwin (The Crocodile Hunter) Killed by Stingray

    Hard to believe really. At least he went out doing what he loved to do...
  2. L

    hey gals-cute shirt on ebay

    Summer was crazy. With 2 girls home it's all about them! They are back in school now so I get time to ME now!!!! First order of business is new pics of the CS for calander contest!!
  3. L

    hey gals-cute shirt on ebay

    Ran across this shirt on ebay while looking for a shirt for my daughter for rodeo. http://cgi.ebay.com/VINTAGE-WOMENS-FORD-MUSTANG-LOGO-PRINT-WESTERN-SHIRT_W0QQitemZ150026917641QQihZ005QQcategoryZ4008QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  4. L

    ADMIN - Sorry for the downtime

    I have been so busy this summer, I've hardly had time to check in and when I did, it didn't work! I thought it was my computer!! Thanks for the fix...
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    Diamond Blue GT/CS For Sale on eBay

    I don't think I've ever seen one with that color stripes and top. Was it an option?
  6. L

    Dare I ask? Post Photos of ourselves?

    Come on Jason, give us a hint...... Oh, I'll dig up a picture if I have one. I'm always the one taking the pictures!
  7. L

    Thanks for your thoughts and prayers

    I too wish you the best. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
  8. L

    Would like to join your GT/CS "family"

    Welcome Amy. It's great to have more women around here! Especially with a Highland Green CS. I think that's 3 of us gals with the coveted color, am I right Rhonda?
  9. L

    HELP me Identify if this 1968 Mustang is a California Special or a ??

    My car was also produced April 15th, 11 days BEHIND schedule. Weird how that works. My VIN is 155435.
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    Foose Stallion Mustangs

    I love Overhaulin'. They can work magic in 7 days. I'd love to have a car get '"Overhauled", but not my CS!
  11. L

    Has Anybody Seen a 2007 GT/CS Yet?

    I haven't heard from the dealer yet that said they had one coming in (just to look at!). I did however see a Hertz Shelby today. Beeeeeautifullll! I'd take one of those over the new CS.
  12. L

    New Addition

    Congrats Rich! I also have 2 girls that are 3 years apart. They're 7 and 10 now and it goes so fast! Enjoy every moment!
  13. L

    Schwinn Bicycle Memories

    My brother had one of these! I had the 'Liitle Chic' girls version. I remember he had a real bad wipe out once where he almost lost his manhood on the shifter!!
  14. L

    Blue GT/CS for Sale on Autabuy

    This car looks familiar. Wasn't it on ebay a while ago? The guy said it had been in the family for years and was defending his dad's choice to change the fog lights and add the running horse. Could be a different car. It was a while ago.....
  15. L

    GT-500 for sale

  16. L

    2007 GT/CS Spotted in Long Beach

    The car is from Michigan? And now it's in Long Beach? Strange...
  17. L

    Swarmed at the Ford dealer-new CS coming!

    Today my husband and I went to a local Ford dealer to pick up a truck my husband had ordered for work. We took the CS and we approached by salespeople as soon as we parked. What year is it? Are we trading it in?(Yeah, right) It attracted a crowed even when we were inside. We of course asked...
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    Another Insane Hood Scoop

    How do you see to drive with that thing???
  19. L

    Champagne GT/CS for Sale $14K OBO

    Ugly color......
  20. L


    I feel like I've been asleep at the wheel, but I'm still there...