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Search results

  1. 1968Cally

    For Sale 1968 Meadowlark Yellow 289 GT/CS

    Looks to have an air pump. Is that canister looking thing behind the air pump part of that type of system?
  2. 1968Cally

    For Sale 1968 Meadowlark Yellow 289 GT/CS

    I came earlier to post this classified. However, I got distracted when I saw that you had posted the Candyapple UK car I once owned. Thanks for posting it! I have sent the seller in the UK an instant message about it. Love the Meadowlark Yellow paint on this one. My dad bought a '69 Torino...
  3. 1968Cally

    For Sale 1968 Candyapple Red 289 GT/CS

    This car just has to be the first GTCS I bought exactly 19 years ago today. It was the one year anniversary of 9/11. Paid $19k to a fellow in downstate Illinois. Sold it two years later for $41k. It ended up back in downstate Illinois and the new owner had put the stock air cleaner etc and...
  4. 1968Cally

    For Sale 1968 Mustang California Special - Red

    This one looks pretty nice in the pictures. Never know until you look at it in person and check for rust repair etc.
  5. 1968Cally

    1968 FantomWorks

    And $13,000 Mecum.
  6. 1968Cally

    1968 FantomWorks

    I doubt it being a real GT/CS will have much if any influence. If you are going to build a car like this, start with a regular solid regular coupe. I hate to see a fairly rare car being modified that much.
  7. 1968Cally

    1968 FantomWorks

    Wonder if there is a reserve? If not, I bet it does not do well.
  8. 1968Cally

    1968 Wheel Choices

    Me too! Currently have SS though.
  9. 1968Cally

    For Sale Aqua GT/CS in Michigan

    All early '68 Mustangs got the 289 if you went with the 2 barrel. 302 for the 4 barrel. Indeed, the 289s were phased out later in the model year. I don't think there was an exact date and it probably varied some depending on the plant.
  10. 1968Cally

    For Sale Aqua GT/CS in Michigan

    Went live on Hemmings a couple of days ago also.
  11. 1968Cally

    Post your Marti Report here

    Wonder how those six cylinders with low axle ratios performed up in the high country mountains.
  12. 1968Cally

    For Sale 1968 GT/CS in Los Angeles CA

    Wow. A factory 8 track that works. That is almost worth the asking price!
  13. 1968Cally

    1968 Completed GT/CS

    Great job, Neil. What's next?
  14. 1968Cally

    1968 Blurry Marti Report

    That was the number I saw on the Marti before looking at responses
  15. 1968Cally

    1968 Coil Spring R&R

    Do you have the brand and specs of the springs handy?
  16. 1968Cally

    1968 Coil Spring R&R

    That would seem to be what I would like to wind up at.
  17. 1968Cally

    1968 Coil Spring R&R

    Yes, it does look good. When you say the the one inch drop, you are referring to just the coils and not the one inch Arning Drop. Correct?
  18. 1968Cally

    1968 Coil Spring R&R

    Below are the stock ride height specs. As you can see, the spec for the rear is 1.4" lower than the front. Currently, the car is at 26.6" front and 25.1" rear. So, 1.5" higher than the rear. Originally, the cars were not "level" appearing as the rear was lower. Yours would seem to be...
  19. 1968Cally

    1968 Coil Spring R&R

    I would agree. However the springs in there now are a known quantity. If I got lower springs, they might be too low for my liking. So then I have to get less low ones and try again. If they are not low enough, then get lower ones or cut the new ones that are not low enough. I know if I cut...
  20. 1968Cally

    1968 Coil Spring R&R

    On my '68, I am going to remove my front coil springs in order to cut them down a little to lower the front end height. P.O put them in four years ago now and have about 1,500 miles on them so I think they are settled. No, I am not going to do the Arning drop as the car is stock. 1) Do you guys...