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Search results

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    1968 The Sea Foam Special Rides Again...

    Well, after an 11 month restoration, my Sea Foam Special is back on the road. I found the car on this site last August, made the deal and brought it home. It has sentimental value in that it is the same year/color combo as my first Mustang bought in 1991. With a great deal of help from...
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    For Sale Is this a Typo???

    Standard Legal Disclaimer - my comments above regarding certain classic car dealers are in no way directed at the dealer selling this car:-) Prior to getting into CA Specials, I delved into the K Code Mustang world. The number of those cars being misrepresented by dealers is mind-numbing.
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    For Sale Is this a Typo???

    + 1 on Clubpro's comment. I was told early on in this hobby that if you look at a car close enough, it will tell you it's story. To go along with that, it never hurts to have a second, third or tenth set of eyes to look over a car. In many ways, that is what these forums are about...
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    For Sale Is this a Typo???

    "Faster and rarer than any Shelby"? With a 2.79 to 1 rear end? Mine must not be tuned right.
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    1968 289 coil mounting

    That is outstanding!
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    1968 289 coil mounting

    I added aftermarket AC and a Petronix coil which is longer than the original. Because of these changes I had to move it from the original vertical position on the front of the motor to horizontal on the intake manifold. Not many options when adding those items. Craig
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    1968 The one day wonder...

    Nice job. Looks great!
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    1968 Rear leaf markings

    I didn't notice the silver stripes when I took my C code car apart. Now that I look at it, is that them on each side of the brackets? Not to hijack the thread, but in the same photo is my driveshaft. I pulled a bone head move and had it media blasted before cleaning it to note the color of...
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    1968 Exhaust system bending my brain...

    I finally received the correct H Pipe this week and installed the exhaust yesterday. Overall, the 2 1/4" Turbo kit I ordered from Virginia Mustang worked great and was easy to install. I got pretty close on the reinforcement brackets. I attached a photo of the finished results. I plan to...
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    1968 Sometimes it is the little things...

    +1 on that quote. I am about 3 weeks away from being done with my restoration. I am much more patient with things this time around even though I am working against a car show dead line. Having friends who know more than i do has helped a lot too!
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    1968 Exhaust system bending my brain...

    Thanks for the photos. I should be able to get close to the original spot. I thought about ordering and welding in the doublers, but looking at the brackets, I think they will be sufficient. I tried fitting the new H pipe yesterday and I was sent the wrong one. I am not happy about it, but...
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    1968 Power Steering Hose Routing

    I had this same issue over the past couple weeks. I tried to order the original hoses from NPD. I was told the original style was no longer available. They assured me that although the bend on the high pressure hose was slightly different, it would be correct. Well, no, it wasn't. The hose...
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    1968 Exhaust system bending my brain...

    Any pictures you can send are appreciated. I am the only one of my circle of friends with a 68, let alone a single exhaust that is being converted to duals. It doesn't have to be show car correct (since I didn't go transverse), but I want to be as close to accurate as possible. I went with...
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    1968 Exhaust system bending my brain...

    Do you happen to have the measurements or photos of where you drilled the holes under the rear seats? I am converting a single exhaust car to duals next week and will be going through the same exercise. Craig
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    1968 Final restoration pics

    Outstanding job! Post more photos if you have them.
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    For Sale 1968 GT/CS project in Cincinnati

    Interesting color combo. I can't remember ever seeing a Gulf Steam Aqua with a Parchment roof and interior. Hopefully somebody restores that one someday.
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    1968 Questions on final restoration process

    This is helpful for me as well. I will be putting my grill back together in a couple of weeks. Thanks for the photos. Craig
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    For Sale J-code in NM on Ebay

    Here is the current CL ad: http://albuquerque.craigslist.org/cto/5097704741.html After being on the market for at least 2 years, the price has been lowered from $30k to $24k. I wonder why the seller didn't run a standard EBay auction starting at $24k? Craig
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    For Sale J-code in NM on Ebay

    I have been watching that car on CL for about 2 years. I had considered going to look at it, but being priced about $10k high led me to other cars. The way the ad was written, the price sounded firm.
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    1968 New family project

    That looks great! That is one of my favorite colors. I am looking forward to seeing more photos as you progress.