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For Sale Is this a Typo???


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005


  • White and Red.jpg
    White and Red.jpg
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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
Victoria BC Canada
Well, it DOES have a Paxton on it! :wink:

I thought this line was hilarious:
"If you're a Mustang fan, you already know what the GT/CS stands for on the C-scoop of this 1968 Ford Mustang GT coupe."

Seriously??? A C-scoop?? :grin:


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2013
Calgary Alberta
aftermarket A/C, ....better get me a Paxton---didn't realize it drove the price UP so much!! :wink:

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
A very nice car. Certainly a seller that needs some education, and any buyer these days has access to the net to compare the price. The Paxton or Paxton Novi will add a bunch of power to a 289! If properly tuned.

Arlie, is it in the registry?

The one thing that caught my eye was the last photo of the underside. It looks like someone "fitted" some coil springs on top of the rear end above the leafs and rear end housing. Kinda where the rear end stops are. My guess is these are in there to assist the leaf springs. That I find very interesting. Never seen it before.

Price? Let the buyers beware.



Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
Victoria BC Canada
I agree...it is a very nice car! I love the white with red stripes. It's just so darn amusing to read some of the copy that goes with the ad. :grin:


Active member
Aug 12, 2013
some of you people are really annoying.
you sit there and pick others car apart.
Maybe they are not as knowledgeable as you on these cars, but so what?
Why don't you try looking at the positive, instead of the negative?
I joined this sight a few years ago, and don't spend a lot of time on it due to these 'Knit Pickers'. This is SUPPOSED to be fun. You guys take the fun out of it. I imagine you are the ones that criticize the 'high' price of other one's listing, then you when you sell something its worth more and its ok for YOU to get top dollar. Disgusting.
And no, this is not my car. My car is not perfect, but then again neither am I.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2012
Communication is an art.
Just as many are not perfect with their cars, many are not perfect communicators.
I prefer to read all comments especially those that nit pick (this is how I learn about these cars).
What I find annoying are people on the web telling others what they should or should not say or do :rolleyes:
At least those that nit pick are talking cars instead of attacking (trolling for argument) people's behavior which, IMHO, takes the fun out of the discussion.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003
Hey Hangten,

While it can be viewed as "nit-picky" it is meant to be informative and educational. A few years back we had a member purchase a C-code CS for $18,000 from someone who was supposed to be a reputable dealer. Now remember $18,000 in 2008 was top dollar for a 289 CS. The member wasn't very familiar with what to look out for and ended up buying an absolute piece of junk that wasn't worth $8,000 let alone $18,000.

The plan was to drive the car from L.A. to Seattle because they were told that the car had been "completely restored" and was in "great shape." The member flew to L.A. purchased the CS and began their journey north only to brake down several times before they even made it to the San Francisco area. The car ended up at my place outside of Sacramento and when I put the car on the lift and looked underneath I literally was sick. The floors looked like they had been cut out with a can opener and the replacement floors simply epoxied in. The radiator was shot, as were several other things. The member had to fly back to Seattle without their CS. After a week of repairs and a couple thousand dollars more I attempted to drive the car to Seattle. All went well until I got to Tacoma and the car blew a head gasket.

Had the member contacted the very knowledgable members on this website and had one of them in the L.A. area look at the car they would have purchased a different CS. By the way the car that they purchased ended up costing well over $22,000 after all of the repairs which included a rebuilt engine. So much for the statement "completely restored."

We are here first and foremost to look out for those less informed on these cars. I ran into a gentleman at a local car show with a beautiful CS who once again paid top dollar for the car. When I looked at the v.i.n. I knew that it wasn't a true CS. The vin was too early and I asked the owner if he bought a Marti on the car and he said no, but he had an Eminger report that said it was a "California Edition." To make a long story short after I ordered a Marti on the car and it came back that it was not a true CS. The owner had no idea what he was buying.

Do we get carried away sometimes? Yes, but if we can keep someone from making a very expensive mistake then we have done our job. As a long time member of this site let me apologize to you. We have the most knowledgable car guys and gals anywhere on the old interweb. We don't mean any harm, we just want each and every potential buyer to be completely informed before they make that investment.




Well-known member
May 5, 2011
Chandler, AZ
+ 1 on Clubpro's comment. I was told early on in this hobby that if you look at a car close enough, it will tell you it's story. To go along with that, it never hurts to have a second, third or tenth set of eyes to look over a car. In many ways, that is what these forums are about.

Hangtendartsport - when selling a car the description is everything. I noticed your car is on EBay, and the description is comprehensive, and it leaves little doubt to the originality of your car. The same cannot be said of a number dealers out there looking to make a quick buck on their consignors while adding very little value other than the ability to take pretty pictures and post them on the internet.


Well-known member
May 5, 2011
Chandler, AZ
Standard Legal Disclaimer - my comments above regarding certain classic car dealers are in no way directed at the dealer selling this car:)

Prior to getting into CA Specials, I delved into the K Code Mustang world. The number of those cars being misrepresented by dealers is mind-numbing.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I think there is room on both sides of this discussion. Certainly we are not all communication majors, but a little decorum in comments would go a long way. This particular car is very nice from the pictures, but pictures are not the whole story.

I like it when on our site volunteer to give a car for sale the once over. For free. I have looked at several cars in my area, and so has Arlie, Steve and others. An unbiased look by an owner of the GT/CS HCS world can go a long way.

I was sick when I saw the car that Clubpro also saw. I gave the owner new parts and got it to move forward and not overheat. All for free. The seller of this car did have a positive reputation, but this car was far from restored. The sad part was it was fixable, but would have been very costly. If I remember correctly this car was endorsed highly by someone on our site. Someone who should have known better and give it a close look. I will leave that person nameless.

Again, the net is full of information for a buyer. All they need do is ask.

I do think that we can (should) be informative and positive without being negative in "some" of our comments. No car is perfect and as Tim said in another thread, some people just want a reliable solid car to drive and enjoy. In my mind that is the true joy of our hobby.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Hangten needs to sell his dream car because he's moving so I certainly hope we can all endure his flaming of us without any hard feelings.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2013
Calgary Alberta
I was -- as I often am -- joking when I said "Pfft" One of the shortcomings of internet chatrooms is the insbility to "hear" what one is saying.....otherwise many misunderstandings wouln't be!
As far as I'm concerned, a seller can ask what they want.....$169 000 for instance.....doesn't mean they'll get it.
As with anything on the web, if you don't like it, gloss over it. Life's too short to steam and brew over uncontrollables...



Active member
Aug 12, 2013
to those of you who took offense to my comments, I sincerely apologize. I meant no harm, just venting. I should follow the rule of letting things set a day before hitting the send button, as sometimes a day to clear ones head might change the perspective a bit. Of course there are helpful people on this site, and I personally have learned a lot and continue to learn as I go. To those of you who I rankled, I am sorry. I read the follow up comments, cooler heads prevail and there are words of wisdom to be gleaned. So happy Monday to you all!