That's an interesting point, Paul. That frame would be great for the show circuit but maybe not for so good for daily driving.
On the other hand, I wonder if people would be surprised there were that many of the cars made. Do you think that when people see our cars they think there were only 500 or so made? They've never seen one before so how in the world could Ford have made 4000 of them? In that regard stating the production numbers might actually disocurage theft
My concern with both #2 and #4 (I voted for #2) is that stating the production number could be taken by some as a way of saying, "my car is rare and yours isn't, so I'm better than you", and it's usually not good to rile up a big old Bubba in Houston that way. But on the other hand saying, "California Made it Happen" could be taken as meaning that California is better than everywhere else because only they could make it happen. Same big old Bubba issue.
We have certainly become a P.C. society haven't we?
What do you think of something like "1968 GT/CS" on the bottom and just "California Special" on the bottom? Yeah, I know, it's Kind of boring.
I keep trying to get the Shelby connection in there but just can't figure out a way to do it.
Maybe we need to elect a committee of people who have just a touch of a screw loose to sit down at a bar for 4 or 5 hours, or as long as it takes, and hammer this thing out. They don't go home until it's resolved!!! Where is that Hooters sponsorship when we need it? Jason, are you still working on that?