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2005 Registry Update Thread


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Are we supposed to be in the pics with our cars? Or are they just supposed to be car pics?



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
[quote author=Mustanglvr link=board=1;threadid=1688;start=30#msg14432 date=1126709985]
Are we supposed to be in the pics with our cars? Or are they just supposed to be car pics?


Oh no, Rhonda, I thnk you just opened the door for them to start the wet t-shirt subject again!!! :D


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
[quote author=Mustanglvr link=board=1;threadid=1688;start=30#msg14432 date=1126709985]
Are we supposed to be in the pics with our cars? Or are they just supposed to be car pics?


;D ;D ;D ;) ;)


Jul 31, 2005

Did you get my registry info? I filled out the online form and sent info and pics via snailmail.



Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO

I wanted to check to make sure you received our CD of our restoration.

Can we assist your efforts in any other way????



Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
[quote author=PNewitt link=board=1;threadid=1688;start=30#msg13936 date=1125083509]
Although, despite my "deadline" of the end of August, since there are still registrations coming in, and I will need to extend the deadline until Sept. 30.



Any chance on extending the deadline through this weekend? I was hoping to take some decent pics this weekend. Wasn't able to the past 2 weekends and it's getting dark quickly after work these days.
Please let me know . If not I will send what I have ASAP.

Thank you!!



Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
[quote author=jbsteven link=board=1;threadid=1688;start=45#msg14733 date=1127876103]
I think on the second page he states the end of October. double check.

I missed that one. Last I saw was a few above that which stated 9/30.
Thanks! This is great! It was bad enough I missed the calendar so I didn't want to miss this one.



I'm not ignoring you....just real busy these days promoting my other book in L.A.

Yes--the end of October is a good time to wrap up getting new registry information. However--I WILL be mailing out a notice to everyone in the registry in early November to comfirm/update the information about their car (i.e. some have sold to new owners, etc.). So--if your materials aren't yet ready, you can slip it in to me by the end of November; but the sooner the better.

Next week, I'll dig out the info I've received in the past 6 months to answer some of you who have asked whether I've gotten them. At that time (in about 10 days, I'll list them out on this thread for you (by last name).

Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to send in forms, and photos, and burn those CDs! I DO APPRECIATE IT!!

(send to:
Paul M. Newitt
P.O. Box 2245
Davis, CA 95617 USA


OK--I waded through piles and piles of GT/CS-owner mail (just kidding, it was a neat arrangement of mail), and here are the results. I have it diviede up into three sets: pre-2005, 2005 mail with photos, and 2005 mail with photo-CDs included.

Here are the registrations I received post-1996; after the last time I updated the registry (thanks to all of you who have sent infor about your GT/CS or '68 HCS... These are all by first initial, and last name. A few of these might already be IN the 1996 Registry, with supplements sent since that time. Sorry--this is not in alphabetical or chronological order (about 100 new cars for the Registry):

D. Percy B. Wacker (found car) P. Miller
K & J Caulkins B Bednorz C Sellers
A Sanders D Jones J Flowers
G Fogg E Forge J Fransen
D Garcia H Goerlitz D Greer
J & J Guerra S & D Hamilton A Ortega
S Ostwinkle D Porter T Prince
G Ramsey J Albright D Hamby
G Happel S Harmon D Howick
C&E Hood R&L Normadin C Jackson
T Jaskowski B Myers J&S Morris
R Moore J Minder M Miles
P Migliore M Meade M Malnerich
M Marchese E Lentz J&S Keeley
J Kermond H Kirchecki J Ross
M Aaron E Adams D Boykin
C Brewer J Burch T&N Butler (2)
J Buckbee F Carr K Caulkins
D Choquette J Davis M Eggert
B Curtis H Phelps M Vuicich (?)
F Weber M Walker L Williams
C Winters S Ybarra C Wood
J Morris R Waid D Patterson
J Korte M Sebeny D Sielke
J Smith D Sommer L Smith
A Stacey J Stockseth R Pride
A Sanders R Stevenson F Gielow
D Armstrong K Avery P Crouch
M Holland G Jackson R McGuire
T Moore T Morez J Mowbray
R&K Powell G Wilson A Taylor
R Gandy D Allred A Catanzaro
J Smark R Deweese J Dinning
P Kopper A Denis L&S Smith
W Romkey M Loffler J Pezzolesi
E Wnuk G Williams B Pearce
N Petherick J Lee W Benson
D Hagen T Wells W Murphy
F Barros J Bain W Flood
S&R Bentley D Boykin S Fillkill
A Reay D McCann


And!! Those in 2005, some with photos, and/or Marti reports. Thanks to you for taking and sending photos--and for sending copies of your reports:

T Elledge
C Sprinkle
D Percy
K Ma
A Curry
H Torres
E Tucker
R Fee
S Wick
C Hill
K Larremore
T Ellidge (2)
T Moore
N&K Butler
J Pezzolesi
D Patterson
J Aronis
M Marsalone
C Broz
D Jackson
C Leonard
A&B Moses
R Murphy
F Peugh
B Martin
D Beal
N&K Bazant
J Cattin
R McKeska



NOW--those sent with photo-CDs (and with Marti reports, etc., too.). Thank you for taking the time to make these CDs for me:

B Froelich
G&J Martin
S Perkins
K Houle
M Wang
B&K Cooley
B Myers
B Hughes
P&B Stevenson
P Dines
G Kaminski
J Weider

TOTAL--we won't know until all the numbers are in, but we might have another 150-200 cars in the GT/CS (HCS) Registry since 1996! That's pretty awesome!

Thanks to all of you!!

Paul M. Newitt
GT/CS Registrar. 8)


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
can't wait to get the new registry...I can already imagine the late nights staying up reading it cover to cover as soon as it arrives.



Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
Ok, I don't see my name, do I have time to send again (form and Marti report)


Here is some new information--

1. IF you have ever been on a list here, you are OK. I have your material. If, for some reason, you think It didn't get to me, resend it to me ONLY at my "snail mail" address.

Paul M. Newitt
P.O. Box 2245
Davis, CA 95617

I've extended the deadling for "stuff" (data, photos on CD or prints) to November 30th. For those who rushed around getting thingsto me--I do appreciate your efforts, but many have still asked if they can send in info. We're up to something like 820 cars now --total (plus the ones Bob teets sent me, which could add 30 or more CS and HCS cars.

2. DO NOT E-MAIL me your information. My wind-up 56k modem will choke and fry if you send large files.

3. A preview of the book: I'm combining and re-editing the 1988 and 1996 editions. PLUS I'm adding more coverage on the Little Red and Green Hornet cars. I also can't say much about this, but I have some new information that you will really like.

There will be new, and more photos. Most will be in B&W, but I'm trying to do color as much as possible; maybe the registry cars' photos.

I'm adding info on how to build a contemporary CS with new tech parts. Something to blow the doors off an Eleanor, or something like that...

I'm scouring the message boards here for common questions, that I can address. There is a lot of need for maintance info about taillights, fiberglass, stripes, fog lights, etc. Lots on that, too. I think info on just how to keep a '68 Mustang going in today's world is important, too. Such as...not everyone knows how to align a '68, and there are unecessary scams out there. We're in "survivor" mode now. It's not like it was....

I will try to include info on the '07 or '08 GT/CS from SVT/Shelby, and about the upcoming "Califronia Edition" from the No. Calif Ford dealers, which should appear in early Nov. at dealer's showrooms (I'm suggesting a handful of accessories for that car, too, like side scops, T-shirts, key fobs, etc...).

I've sent a letter to SAAC, asking "how" we might get absorbed into the SAAC registry, and/or get some sort of special recognition as a Shelby Automotive product. SAAC is producing a new Shelby Mustang Registry in a year or two, and I'm trying to get our cars in there--so we'll see. No word back yet.

I might hit 100-200 pages. We'll see.

Psst!....Don't tell anyone, but I'm looking into some making some neat "freebies" that will come with the book, that you can put on your car....and on your jacket, too. The word is "mum"; you'll just have to wait. (no jumping up and down now, you'll hit your head on the ceiling!!) LOL

So--this will be fun, and I'm sure that this book will affect values, too--since information is everything, right?

Stay Tuned. A lot is coming together all at once here.

Paul Newitt