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Search results

  1. 1968Cally

    1968 Flashers

    Interesting. The Turn signal switch was replaced by the prior owner a few months ago. Maybe I should go with the LEDs. Now the question is what type of flashers do I need to get if I go with the LEDs?
  2. 1968Cally

    1968 Flashers

    Interesting. The Turn signal switch was replaced by the prior owner a few months ago. Maybe I should go with the LEDs. Now the question is what type of flashers do I need to get if I go with the LEDs?
  3. 1968Cally

    1968 Flashers

    Thanks. Turns out I just placed an order with them earlier today for the side A/C Outlets.
  4. 1968Cally

    1968 Flashers

    What is WCCC?
  5. 1968Cally

    1968 Flashers

    They do work now. Both are #522. I thought it odd that both would be the same number. Seems the 4-way flashes a little fast but certainly acceptable. I thought about replacing them (just because) now that my dash is all apart. So, I posted my question just because I figured they would be...
  6. 1968Cally

    1968 Air/Heat actuators

    Wound up getting the four vacuum actuators at Rock Auto - 38.99 apiece. Also ordered the vacuum line set today
  7. 1968Cally

    1968 Flashers

    For both Turn and Four-way?
  8. 1968Cally

    1968 Flashers

    With our multi-bulb tail lights, What flasher number should be used for the turn signals and four-way flashers. I assume they are different due to the differing loads. Thanks. Dave
  9. 1968Cally

    1968 Air/Heat actuators

    Thank you gents
  10. 1968Cally

    1968 Air/Heat actuators

    So, if I am going to replace the actuators, I guess that I will also replace the vacuum hose as they do not fit very snugly on the heater control or the actuators. DO you know what inside diameter I should get?
  11. 1968Cally

    1968 Air/Heat actuators

    Super. More ways to spend money! :grin:
  12. 1968Cally

    1968 Interior Door Lock knobs

    Thanks. I guess I have the '69 stainless bezels as they are felt lined. My knobs are chrome and very nice. Guess I will get the clear bezels.
  13. 1968Cally

    1968 Interior Door Lock knobs

    For a deluxe interior, should these chrome or black (interior is black) What about the little bezels for them? Thanks. Dave
  14. 1968Cally

    1968 Air/Heat actuators

    Thanks. Amazon has them for $43.78 but only three left but "more on the way" I wonder if I should replace them while I have the dash apart? What about the vacuum switch on the heat/AC control that the four vacuum hoses plug on to? Are these fairly reliable?
  15. 1968Cally

    1968 Tail/Brake Light Ground

    Done and tested. Have to re-assemble tomorrow.
  16. 1968Cally

    For Sale '68 HCS for Auction

    Understand. But do you think that makes them appreciably more valuable?
  17. 1968Cally

    For Sale '68 HCS for Auction

    Understand. But, does it make them appreciably more valuable?
  18. 1968Cally

    For Sale '68 HCS for Auction

    Sold for $49,500. It looked like a nice car. Not sure how nice. I think the radio, C4 and 289 were about the only options on the car. Question. Do HCS's normally bring more $$$ for apples to apples with the GT/CS. If so, what percentage would you say.
  19. 1968Cally

    1968 Tail/Brake Light Ground

    That is the plan. I will use the Dremel wire brush wheel to clean the outside of the sockets. Then, solder on ground wires. Then I will use expoxy to cover those soldering points just to make sure they won't break off. Then wire them together and run to a good ground. Not "correct" but...
  20. 1968Cally

    1968 Tail/Brake Light Ground

    Yup, I took it apart tonight. Bumper guards, bumper and valance. Gas cap stays on. Going to get colder tomorrow but I can work on grounding the sockets properly in the basement.