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Search results

  1. 1968Cally

    1968 Trunk Tailight Filler Cardboard

    Wow I had been procrastinating on doing my trunk tail light filler boards while I have been detailing the engine compartment and engine and doing it as correct as possible. For now, I am keeping the Shelby intake and Edelbrock performer carb and Sanden compressor. So, on Sunday, I tackled the...
  2. 1968Cally

    1968 Heater Hose Routing

    What is the correct routing of the heater hoses for a 302 with AC? I have been looking at engine compartments of '68 Mustangs and they seem to be all over the place. Some have the return hose going to the intake manifold running to the inboard side of the valve cover while others are on the...
  3. 1968Cally

    For Sale Gt/cs

    I totally agree.
  4. 1968Cally

    1968 Hood Bumpers?

    Got it. thanks
  5. 1968Cally

    1968 Hood Bumpers?

    I noticed that there are no front hood bumpers on my Car. In looking at pictures on the Net, it appears that there were adjustable bumpers on regular hoods. They were installed on the front brackets that our hood lock retains slip onto. There is a hole on each front corner of the hood. Do...
  6. 1968Cally

    . 2018 50th Anniversary limited edition Window Clinger

    Got mine yesterday. They look really cool. Thanks so much for doing this.
  7. 1968Cally

    1968 Happy Birthday Pretty Car

    The Big 50. My car celebrated on February 8th
  8. 1968Cally

    1968 Grill Paint

    Yes. The grill is currently the same as the molding. Thanks, Neil.
  9. 1968Cally

    1968 Grill Paint

    Got some chipping on the lower inward flange of my grill so I want to rattle can repaint it. I think it is supposed to be a dark Argent. Any recommendation for the right rattle can paint? Thanks Dave
  10. 1968Cally

    1968 Trunk Tailight Filler Cardboard

    Too many trunk "filler boards."
  11. 1968Cally

    1968 Trunk Tailight Filler Cardboard

    Wrong "filler" board. We are discussing the taillight panel boards. Wish they were as easy to install as the floor filler boards!
  12. 1968Cally

    1968 Trunk Tailight Filler Cardboard

    How did you get the Masonite to bend into a curve? I was thinking that something like 1/16 plastic would work nicely. Have no idea where to get that. Maybe black poster board :grin:
  13. 1968Cally

    1968 Trunk Tailight Filler Cardboard

    So, how wet do you get these cardboard fillers. Is it best to put them in wet or get them wet and then wrap them around something round and secure them until dry? So, how wet? Spray them with an atomizer bottle? Both sides? Baptize them in a bathtub?
  14. 1968Cally

    1968 Trunk Tailight Filler Cardboard

    Mike, Just took a closer look as my car was built on February 9th. I believe it was about the 150-175 CS built. Son of a gun, the screw holes are there. So, where they are situated, It looks like I do not bend the creases to a right angle. Just a slight bend should do it.
  15. 1968Cally

    1968 Trunk Tailight Filler Cardboard

    Gee, 61 views and no replies! At this point, I would take a reply of "I don't know" Just kidding guys.
  16. 1968Cally

    . 2018 50th Anniversary limited edition Window Clinger

    In for Two GTCS. Just sent via Paypal. Thank you!
  17. 1968Cally

    1968 Console Installation - Front Pad

    Windlace. Another good thought. Now that the interior refresh is done, I don't really notice it that much as my eye is not drawn to it like it was when I was working on it. I had the center insert de-pitted and re-chromed and painted. That's what my eye is drawn to!