After many years as register of the HCS registry Bob Teets has decided it is time to pass the torch. I was humbled and honored to be asked to except this responsibility which I have excepted.
Thank you Bob for the countless hours of searching out HCS cars and bits of information about them. I will do my best to pick up where you left off.
Bob kept the registry on 3X5 cards, a family friend Willis Scharmer has taken the cards and transferred the information on to a Excel spread sheet.
That will make maintaining the registry much easier. Thank you! Willis for all of your hard work.
Willis will be handling the manufacturing of the 66-67 badges, 68 decals, 68 fog light pedestals and the sales of them. You can contact him at Willis Scharmer at .
You can contact me at
Marty Rupp
101 Present View Circle
Weeping Water NE. 68463
Thank you Bob for the countless hours of searching out HCS cars and bits of information about them. I will do my best to pick up where you left off.
Bob kept the registry on 3X5 cards, a family friend Willis Scharmer has taken the cards and transferred the information on to a Excel spread sheet.
That will make maintaining the registry much easier. Thank you! Willis for all of your hard work.
Willis will be handling the manufacturing of the 66-67 badges, 68 decals, 68 fog light pedestals and the sales of them. You can contact him at Willis Scharmer at .
You can contact me at
Marty Rupp
101 Present View Circle
Weeping Water NE. 68463