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Search results

  1. H

    1968 MCA show in Ohio

    I hope to see anybody that's on the east coast to be at the show. I heard that two California Special will be attending the show. With the MCA in 17 years I have found three HCS of them at different shows.
  2. H

    1968 MCA show in Ohio

    MCA is having the Grand National show Labor day in Columbus Ohio I was wondering if anybody is going .The only one that I know is Marty Rupp. As far as I know three 68 California Specials and two High Country Specials are signed up for the show.
  3. H

    By chance do you know if Penn. has any other hcs in the state? I asked Bob Teets but his health...

    By chance do you know if Penn. has any other hcs in the state? I asked Bob Teets but his health isn't to good. I talk with him a lot. I attended the MCA Ohio show several years ago and ran across one.
  4. H

    1968 HCS reunion?

    I hope that I'm fit for the Ohio show. HEALTH WISE I was wondering how many Cal. Sp and HCS cars will be in the O hio car show. Marty it's long way for your car. When the Carlisle show featured Cobra Jets well Bob Teets came in with his HCS and latter on that year he was in California for a show .
  5. H

    2007+ New Mustang Owner

    At Carlisle Ford show I was right besides the newer GTCS cars. I think that they had about 60 newer GTCS cars.
  6. H

    1968 Carlisle Ford show

    All that I can say was that Carlisle Show was great. Didn't have much luck with the California Specials nobody showed up. They had me close to the modern Specials about 75 attended the show. They put my car in a well traveled location. Talk about questions. I had a young guy that was building a...
  7. H

    1968 HCS shirts

    I don,t know what happened to behind I would like to get it removed.
  8. H

    1968 HCS shirts

    Last year at the Carlisle show I was in building T . They signed me a parking place right behind Don Farr behind. He was selling his book at the show. He was also signing them.
  9. H

    1968 HCS shirts

    Some years ago somebody made a hcs shirt.The front had two pictures side view and a front view. Also listed had the owner name ,vin number ,motor size and trans size The back had two pictures also plus the picture of the hcs decale. I purchased several shirts. one that I have never worn. I hope...
  10. H

    . Happy Birthday CougarCJ

    Happy birthday
  11. H

    . Happy Birthday Hcsstang

    I'm hoping to show up at Carlisle. The doctors want me to have surgery in June sometime.
  12. H

    . Happy Birthday Sportyworty

    May is a good month Happy birthday
  13. H

    . Happy Birthday Hcsstang

    The older that you get the quicker they show up.
  14. H

    . Photo Your Winter Fun

    HCSSTANG winter project I didn't work on any cars this past winter so I apply to work with wood working.
  15. H

    I'm not familar around Carlisle.

    I'm not familar around Carlisle.
  16. H

    Are you coming to Carlisle?

    Are you coming to Carlisle?
  17. H

    . Happy Birthday rvrtrash

    Keep the joy coming. Happy birthday
  18. H

    . GT/CS Shirts, Hats, Etc.

    Any thing with a red hcs pictured. Marty Rupp picture of one would be fine/
  19. H

    . GT/CS Shirts, Hats, Etc.

    A few ago you could purchase a High Country Special T shirt Any possibility of getting one like that or similar?
  20. H

    . Happy Birthday Bob Teets, hicountryBob

    Sorry that I'm late but have a great year. Hope to run across you at some show.