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Search results

  1. BroadwayBlue

    1968 New Matchbox model!

    And I thought I was bad for buying a dozen! :) My son is getting 1 of each color, including blue, for his 4th Birthday at the end of the month The one with the most toys wins !
  2. BroadwayBlue

    Salute to Sheriff John ...

    OK now I'm feeling really old!! I used to watch these guys as a kid! Even had (still have) Captain Kangaroo record albums. Does anyone remember what those are? Round hard vinyl things usually black with a small hole in the middle? Plaid music/sound if you ran a metal needle over them. :cry: :cool:
  3. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Another cs readvertised with marty report

    Curiosity question... You could get the deluxe interior and only have the upper console and not the lower console? I always thought the lower console was part of the deluxe interior.
  4. BroadwayBlue

    Train Chasing...

    LOL I knew someone was going to pull those out or something similar!!
  5. BroadwayBlue

    Dear Santa...

    Then you need a bigger shelf!! :icon_ecst
  6. BroadwayBlue

    Train Chasing...

    You mean you don't have a 4x4 Mustang in your stable?? :grin: Still seems like a great day!!
  7. BroadwayBlue

    Dear Santa...

    That would be one heck of a stocking!!
  8. BroadwayBlue

    Train Chasing...

    By the way ... were you doing your train chasing in a Mustang? If so even better! :cool:
  9. BroadwayBlue

    . Tips, Tricks, and Words of Wisdom

    I third it!! :thumb::thumb::thumb:
  10. BroadwayBlue

    Train Chasing...

    Great pics! Sounds like a fun day!
  11. BroadwayBlue

    Dear Santa...

    I promise to be extra good this year! :grin: Saw this posted on the CJ Pony Parts Facebook page and thought I'd share it with the crew here... very cool!
  12. BroadwayBlue

    Forza Motorsports: Horizon featuring 68' HCS

    Definitely looking forward to seeing that! On a slightly related note... My kids were playing my old Ford Mustang Racing game on the original XBOX the other day. It has the 1968 GT/CS in it. I never noticed it before, but the rear script is mounted incorrectly! The same as both of my real...
  13. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Some erroneous, but interesting text...

    See this is what I don't go on facebook much anymore :cool:
  14. BroadwayBlue

    1968 GT/CS keychain

    Hey guys, Just curious, for those that already received these, are these the matchbox cars being used to make these key chains? Red, Silver, Green and Blue are available as a Matchbox so far. Blue will be a little harder to come by as it was only in a special package with 9 other cars...
  15. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Calspec wins best of show

    Congratulations! Well deserved!
  16. BroadwayBlue

    1968 REAL Green Hornet up for auction

    Is it just me? In reading the fox news link. Are they saying the Green Hornet was developed because the California Special was so popular that Ford wanted to make a GT/Sport Coupe available for sales nationally? Seems he got it backwards and sideways - :smile: Inspired by the success of...
  17. BroadwayBlue

    1968 New Matchbox model!

    That came out great! Nice job!
  18. BroadwayBlue

    1968 How cool is cover and story in MM ?

    GREAT story John! Enjoyed reading it, definitely a keeper article! Glad you still get to enjoy it. Love that color too!
  19. BroadwayBlue

    1968 New Matchbox model!

    Blue Matchbox available too... Just resurrecting this thread. Didn't see any mention of the availability of the matchbox CS in blue. (not that I'm partial to blue CS's or anything :cool:) Found that a blue version was available in a 2012 Matchbox First Editions 10 pack...