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Search results

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    1968 Getting somewhere!

    Still out there plugging away! Hope to be back on the road this coming summer. Just got the 408 and AOD tranny installed along with the Ford Powertrain Applications headers. Fit is a little tight but it works! Just need to do the 9" rear swap and hook everything up.
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    1968 Anyone have a Marti on this one?

    I think this one has been floating around for a while. I remember posting a Craigslist link for this one a while back.
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    For Sale eBay - 1968 Ford Mustang GT California Special GT/CS # Matching

    Ain't that about right! I think by the time I'm done I'll be at break even vs. value on mine! :rolleyes:
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    For Sale eBay - 1968 Ford Mustang GT California Special GT/CS # Matching

    Man, needed to see this one. It makes me feel a lot better about what I paid for mine! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ford-Mustang-California-Special-1968-ford-mustang-gt-california-special-gt-cs-matching-/161438424017?forcerrptr=true&hash=item25967adbd1&item=161438424017&pt=US_Cars_Trucks
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    I am loving this Video!

    Yeah, this is great video! I've watched most of them on YouTube. That is one quick car!
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    1968 engine out

    That's a really good idea!
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    1968 engine out

    Yeah, my car has about a 1/8" layer of grease on the entire passenger side of the engine compartment starting under the battery tray and flowing back to under the passenger seat. I've been using Gunk Engine degreaser for the first pass, then following up with Purple Power to finish. The Gunk...
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    1968 engine out

    Good luck! Pulled my motor a few weeks back and have been leisurely cleaning the engine bay with Purple Power and a paint scraper. Using some engine cleaner from time to time as well. Works good but takes the paint off every now and then. Not looking forward to the under side of the car. It's...
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    . Green Light Collectibles

    Sure thing! I'll look next time I am at the store. I know I bought the only two they had when I was there. One for me and one for my 5 year old. Have to start them early! He's proud of his California Special collection. Tells all his friends about them when they come over.
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    . Green Light Collectibles

    Matchbox does California Special cars! I have them in Red, Silver, White, Green and Blue. Just this morning I found a new copper color at my local grocery store.
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    For Sale Brittany Blue / Black GT/CS

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    1968 Introductions - And bringing one back from the dead

    Welcome! Cool car. Just clear coat that bad boy and roll with it! Who needs a fancy paint job!?
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    1968 Very proud new owners

    Congrats! Welcome to the club!
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    Wanted Original GT/CS Grill

    I was fortunate to find one myself and only paid $200! Sorry, wanted to brag. That said, there is a company called Delta Bay Mustang that was making the fog light brackets but had stopped. The last I talked to them they were trying to make the brackets again. Whomever had made the brackets...
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    1968 Debated it a lot, but glad I did it....

    That looks great! I am considering doing this to my car too when I get it repainted back to Presidential Blue. Did you only do the hood and cowl area or did you carry it over the trunk?
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    1969 Shelby GT 500

    Wait a minute! That's my long lost Uncle Larry!!! Ha! I bet $150K, possibly higher if people get crazy over the story.
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    1968 Window mounting clips & screws

    :smile:Awesome! Thanks! I need to look at your site more!!! Will get them ordered when I get back in town.
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    1968 Window mounting clips & screws

    Hello all, Trying to locate the clips & screws in the pictures I am attaching. Anyone know where to find these? When I stripped down the door to repaint it I had to drill these out since the screws were frozen. I've checked NPD and CJs but coming up empty handed.
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    SOLD Console manual top plate

    I have one. Just sent you a PM.
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    1968 Dealer Spec Sheet

    I was thinking about calling my local Ford parts department and asking him for some of these parts by number only. The guy is kind of a chump and it would be fun to work him over a little! Ha!